The state of Georgia hold Rutgers student on charges of insurrection for trying to register Blacks to vote. A New York theater company perform an Italian drama for a Cultural Affairs program. Dean informs students of new Pennsylvania drinking age law. Ingmar Bergman's acclaimed film, The Seventh Seal to be shown in Bosler. The Freshman Orientation Program is evaluated. Alumni Association to pursue interest in development. New Professor of Philosophy George James Allan emphasizes the importance of Liberal Arts. Problems of the African political system discussed by student. Milton Hershey Foundation to build medical institute for Penn State. Frederick Harris, Dickinson alumnus, has served as U.S. Senate chaplain for 20 years. Leonard Baskin to be recognized with arts award. Event of the Homecoming weekend recounted. Chapel Committee approves new process for speaker selection. Mermaid Players to present Maxim Gorkey's The Courageous One. Foreign Dickinson students to hold an informational forum. Field Hockey, and football lose. Sharpshooting team gains varsity status.
