Heads for the YMCA program are chosen. Nisbet Day is planned for May 1. An annual tug-of-war between freshmen and sophomores is to be held on May 3. The track and tennis seasons are underway. The baseball team loses against Syracuse and Franklin & Marshall. Interest in participation in summer military camps grows on campus, as a program of the Military Training Camps Association of the United States.
Belles Lettres Society wins Inter-society debate against the Union Philosophical Society. Capt. James Gordon Steese (Class of 1902) spoke to Dickinson students about his experiences during the construction of the Panama Canal. Judge Charles Boone Staples (Class of 1874) also delivered a lecture in which he argued that women should have the right to vote.
Annual College Banquet is held. Obituary of Agib Ricketts '53, a prominent Wilkes-Barre attorney, is published. Prof. Sellers speaks at the Belles Lettres anniversary exercises; a portion of address is printed.
Belles Lettres Society celebrates the 130th anniversary of its founding. The first of the series of Life Work meetings of the college YMCA are conducted.