Legal Documents, Samuel Anderson v. Kinsey Gittings

Legal Documents, Samuel Anderson v. Kinsey Gittings
February 20, 1815 - March 6, 1816
Two legal documents, including an arrest warrant and an affidavit, regarding the case of Samuel Anderson v. Kinsey Gittings. Gittings is accused of assaulting Anderson. Roger Brooke Taney serves as the plaintiff's attorney.
Time Period

Letter from John Quincy Adams to Ebenezer Huntington

Letter from John Quincy Adams to Ebenezer Huntington
June 27, 1819

Secretary of State John Quincy Adams writes to Ebenezer Huntington, an attorney, to inform him that the USS John Adams has been sent to Havana with "purpose of procuring the Release of such Citizens of the United States, including Captain

Time Period

Letter from Benjamin Latrobe to Mary Latrobe

Letter from Benjamin Latrobe to Mary Latrobe
November 30, 1802

Architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe writes to Mary Hazlehurst Latrobe, his second wife, about his dinner with President Thomas Jefferson.  Latrobe discusses the other guests at the dinner and the his thoughts on building a drydock for the United

Time Period

Catalogue of the Faculty and Students of Dickinson College, 1811-12

Catalogue of the Faculty and Students of Dickinson College, 1811-12
December 1811

The Dickinson College catalog for the 1811-1812 academic year. Through the years, the annual catalog was variously titled "The Bulletin," "Catalogue and Register," "Course Catalog," and similar variants.

RG 5/1 - 7.1.2 (oversized)
Time Period

A Catalogue of the Trustees, Officers, and Graduates of Dickinson College, 1809-10

A Catalogue of the Trustees, Officers, and Graduates of Dickinson College, 1809-10

The Dickinson College catalog for the 1809-1810 academic year. Through the years, the annual catalog was variously titled "The Bulletin," "Catalogue and Register," "Course Catalog," and similar variants.

RG 5/1 - 7.1.1 (oversized)
Time Period