Legal Documents, Samuel Anderson v. Kinsey Gittings

Secretary of State John Quincy Adams writes to Ebenezer Huntington, an attorney, to inform him that the USS John Adams has been sent to Havana with "purpose of procuring the Release of such Citizens of the United States, including Captain
Three legal documents, including an arrest warrant for Joseph Howard, regarding the case of John Clemson v. Joseph Howard for an unpaid debt of $44. Roger Brooke Taney serves as plaintiff's attorney.
Cyrus W. Trimble writes to his brother, John A. Trimble about his daily schedule at Dickinson and the two different literary societies at Dickinson, the Union Philosophical Society and the Belles Lettres Society.
Architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe writes to Mary Hazlehurst Latrobe, his second wife, about his dinner with President Thomas Jefferson. Latrobe discusses the other guests at the dinner and the his thoughts on building a drydock for the United
William Ramsey writes Secretary of War Alexander J. Dallas and discusses paying the soldiers. "As a precautionary measure I was to send on the Muster rolls for Mr.
Captain Zachary Taylor writes to Inspector General Daniel Parker and resigns from the United States Army. After seven years of exemplary service, Taylor believes that he should have received a higher rank and more recognition.
Attorney Roger Brooke Taney prepares this document for a lawsuit against John Deloshmutt.
Commissary General Callender Irvine (Class of 1794) writes Simon Philipson with instructions related to selling supplies to the government. “Please let the bearer have a sample of the buffalo hides w.
Isaac Wharton writes to Robert Waln and discusses attorney William Rawle's decision to note take sides in the prosecution of the Holland Company.
William Wilkins writes William Tilghman and discusses the latest news about the War of 1812.
John Mitchell Mason writes to the Associate Reformed Presbytery of New York wishing to resign from his position as a minister.
William Bingham writes to Mr. M. M.
C. W. Hare writes to Samuel Bryan about a financial matter on the behalf of William Bingham, a member of the Dickinson Board of Trustees.
Former President of the United States John Adams writes to his grandson, William Smith, about his United States citizenship, and his lack of knowledge on what profession his grandson should pursue. Adam
Benjamin Rush responds to his son, Dr. John Rush's request for money to help him settle in Charleston, South Carolina.
John A. Leamy writes James Hamilton Jr. and expresses his hopes to visit Carlisle again. In addition, Leamy informs Hamilton of Napoleon Bonaparte's downfall as the ruler of France.
Architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe creates these two sketches as part of his proposal for the new academic building at Dickinson College. Latrobe's two sketches are for the north front and the basement of West College.
Secretary of State John Quincy Adams introduces the newly appointed Minister to Great Britain, Richard Rush, to Richard Sharp, an attorney in London. Transcript included.
A Catalogue of the Faculty and Students of Dickinson College from August 1812.
The Dickinson College catalog for the 1811-1812 academic year. Through the years, the annual catalog was variously titled "The Bulletin," "Catalogue and Register," "Course Catalog," and similar variants.
The Dickinson College catalog for the 1809-1810 academic year. Through the years, the annual catalog was variously titled "The Bulletin," "Catalogue and Register," "Course Catalog," and similar variants.
Joseph Priestley writes to Joseph Barrington a few days before his death on February 6, 1804 about his views on Christianity.
Joseph Priestley Jr. writes to Nicholas LeFevre about a proposed exchange of "my brick house in Northd." for lands in Catawissa.
Joseph Priestley Jr. writes to John Smith of Philadelphia (102 S. 18th St.) after receiving reports that Mr. Dean's tract of land is on a mountain top and not worth surveying.