Pinkney Plaque (second edition), c.1979

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00790
Shelf 16

This rectangular bronze metal plaque hung by the old East College gate, replacing an earlier plaque that had been stolen but not recovered until after this replacement was created. The plaque features a passage written in honor of Noah Pinkney. Though never an employee of Dickinson College, Pinkney sold pretzels, sandwiches, ice cream, cakes, and pies to Dickinson students and staff members. He was fixture in any around campus for decades, and was very fondly remembered by generations of Dickinsonians. 

This plaque was removed in 2011 during repairs and restoration to the East College gate, and a newer plaque with updated language was installed in its place in 2012. 

"Sybil" Clapperboard, 1976

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2016.4_24
Shelf 40

A framed clapperboard with details for the production of Sybil, Philip Capice's award winning feature film.  The final date on it is July 23, 1976.


Christopher Award, 1978

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2016.4_10
Shelf 40 (Box 3)

A gold medallion in a wooden base labelled "Christopher Award Philip Capice 1978." The back has the inscription "Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness." Capice is a member of the Class of 1952.

Emmy Award, 1976

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2016.4_01
Shelf 40 (Box 1)

The Emmy Award for Outstanding Special – Drama or Comedy for Sybil a television film produced by Philip Capice (Class of 1952). It is a large golden statue presented by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. 

Wheel and Chain Hat, 1973

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00925
Reading Room Shelf 12 (housed with AC 00936-8)

A navy blue sailor hat with a leather band and embroidery of a wheel and chain. It was worn by an honorary member Marge Brubaker who was tapped in 1973. 


Phi Epsilon Pi Pledge Class Paddle, 1978

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00873
Reading Room 6 (housed with AC 00880, AC 00876, & AC 00875)

The Phi Epsilon Pi Pledge Class Paddle is made of wood and has "KING HOUSE" is in large lettering at the top. A crown is carved into the center of the paddle and on the left side of the crown is "ROB, RICH, DAVE" and on the right side of the crown "BILL, RANDY, SVEND." On the rim of the crown it has in black lettering "FALL 1978".  At the very bottom of the paddle is the Greek letters for the fraternity in gold lettering.


Phi Epsilon Pi Plaque, 1978

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00874
Shelf 17 (housed with AC 00871)

The plaque that was dedicated to the Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity was made out of wood and metal.  It is in the shape of a shield and in the center is "In Appreciation from the Phi Epsion Pi Iota Sorority for Your Help with Our Chapter" since Phi Epsion Pi Iota Sorority had just formed.

West College plate

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00823
Shelf 26

China plate with gilt trim, manufactured by Lenox. It features the college seal in gold at the top, and West College in black in the center. On the back, the plate notes the 200th anniversary of the college (1773-1973), with a date of September 1972. This plate is numbered 436.