Dickinsonian, November 3, 1988

Dickinson receives federal grant for alcohol and drug education program. Health and Safety Committee enacts new smoking policy. Position of Health Educator created; first to hold is Judy Bennett. Gretchen Ernest creates Habitat for Humanity organization on campus. Men's soccer is chosen to participate in East Coast Athletic Conference tournament.


Dickinsonian, April 16, 1992

Former Sports Illustrated model Ann Simonton speaks on media exploitation of women, students respond to lecture. Finance Committee budget appears to prevent Greek Week. College calls Blues Traveler concert a success. SAE, APO postpone Friends of Feinberg benefit due to lack of interest. The Dickinsonian celebrates 120th anniversary. Habitat for Humanity volunteers report on spring break trip. Mermaid Players present Orchards, a collection of 6 different Checkov interpretations.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 12, 1992

Alcohol violations increase, committee looks at social life. BYOB forum discussed new party policy. Student Senate discusses academic advising. CBS correspondent Ann Compton to speak at this years commencement. College expands study abroad programs to China. Registrar introduces new registration, implementation to start after spring break. Common Hour lunch to remain free. LEAD raises illiteracy awareness at Common Hour. Habitat for Humanity attempts to expand operations. Profile of Molly Pitcher for Woman's History Month.
