Dickinsonian, February 15, 1934

Annual Dickinsonian banquet. President Morgan attends meetings of the Association of the heads of Methodist Colleges and Seminaries and of the Association of American Colleges. The New Republic attacks Dickinson for unjust terminations and denial of academic freedom. Description of changes approved in the previous semester to the constitution for the Metzger WSGA. School of Family Relationships to hold second annual session at Dickinson. All-college Social committee plans for fraternity open-house dances following basketball games. Students apply for on-campus CWA jobs.


Dickinsonian, January 18, 1934

Dickinsonian elects J. Lawrence Jackson editor-in-chief, Robert Wayne business manager, and Robert J. Trace managing editor. Committee does not unanimously accept Dean Josephine B. Meredith's proposed changes to Metzger Council constitution aimed at elimating fraternity politics in student government. Edward First is elected president of Athletic Association. Dean of Women Josephine B. Meredith and YWCA president Elizabeth Hess choose committtee of students to promote fellowship among the Metzger girls.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 21, 1958

The approaching end of the Pan Hellenic week will feature the annual Doll Dance. A talk open to members of the Mary Dickinson Club and women students will be given by Dorothy Kenyon, speaker for the Mary Dickinson Day Chapel, titled "Women and Outer Space." Following incidents dubbed the "Egg Battle" - during which several men raided rival fraternity houses, threw eggs at the outside of the women's dorm and shouted "uncomplimentary expressions" - eleven men have turned themselves and been penalized by the Senate-Faculty Judiciary Committee.
