Dickinsonian, April 19, 1968

Dean Samuel Magill resigned as Dean of the College. Dick Gregory is scheduled to speak during Parent's Weekend in a College Lecture Series program. Dean Gillespie announced that Malcolm Hall will remain an independent men's dormitory. The "Sam and Dave Concert" will perform for the beginning of Spring Weekend. Arthure Hoppe wrote an opinion piece entitled "The Liberal Man Makes it to Heaven on Humility". The IFC decided to shorten the time period allotted for rush and create a hearing board for rush violations. WDCV institutes some changes as the radio station ushers in FM broadcasting.


Dickinsonian, February 23, 1968

Student Senate elections were held, with Tom Martin elected as president of the Senate. The Mermaid Players are slated to perform Richard Sheridan's "The Rivals" starting February 29 and ending March 2. Bucknell, Franklin and Marshall, Dickinson, Gettysburg, and Wilson are set to hold meetings to decide what to do with a grant from the Danforth Commission. Paul Kaylor announced that the Public Affairs Symposium for 1969 would be more of a symposium than a lecture series. The IFC held a series of lectures on life within a fraternity.


Dickinsonian, February 2, 1968

The Public Affairs Symposium is bringing in four television professionals for February 4-7. The Magnificent Men are set to perform a concert to commemorate the end of rush season. An announcement for nomination for student senate is included. Representatives from the college study the curriculum of Beloit College. The Cultural Affairs Committee will sponsor a concert with opera, rock, and choral music. William Bloodgood, comptroller of the college, promises greater economy with better quality of service for the school.
