Dickinsonian, October 1, 1954

Outstanding visiting preachers will be visiting the chapel for worship services. Dickinson is holding a tax workshop to give business executives, bank representatives and other interested people a chance to familiarize themselves with new tax laws. These tax revisions are the greatest revisions in the history of federal taxation. The Mermaid Players will be performing "Lo and Behold" on Parents' Weekend (October 14-16) in Bosler Hall. Beginning October 6, music programs will be taking place daily in the Sharp Room in the library. This week there will be a piano quintet and a symphony.

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Dickinsonian, September 24, 1954

There will be three new buildings built on campus including a new men's dormitory, chemistry building and student activities center. The Dickinson College Student Counseling Program is implemented to help new Freshmen get used to life in college. The student counselors live with the Freshmen in their dormitories and help them acquire good study habits and become acquainted with the college's rules and regulations. The first article in a series regarding the current European situation is published, discussing nationalistic fraternities in Germany.

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