Commencement, 1989
from the doorway of Old West as President A. Lee Fritschler hands a diploma to a student during Commencement on May 21, 1989.
from the doorway of Old West as President A. Lee Fritschler hands a diploma to a student during Commencement on May 21, 1989.
A student receives his diploma on the platform in front of Old West at Commencement on May 21, 1989.
Maria Johnson ('89) shakes hands with President Fritschler at Commencement on May 21, 1989.
A group of students sit in the audience at Commencement on May 21, 1989.
Deborah J. Velat, the senior sophister, and Keri A. Casey, the junior sophister, receive a gift at convocation on August 29, 1989.
Professor Ash Nichols of the English department, on right, speaks with a member of the class of 1993 at the Academic Open House on August 31, 1989.
Geology professor Scott Peterson, on right, speaks with a student at the Academic Open House on August 31, 1989.
Dr. Arno Penzias, the Priestley Award recipient, lectures to a class at Dickinson in September 1989.
Dr. Arno Penzias speaks at the Priestley Award ceremony on September 28, 1989.
The Dickinson soccer team goes up against Moravian in 1989.
Three friends look at old Microcosms during Homecoming weekend in fall 1989.
View as a Big/Little member paints a face at an event in October 1989.
View of East College from the academic quad in fall 1989.
The men's cross country team poses for a photo with their coaches in fall 1989.
Top: Jeff Helsel (assistant), Dave Baker, Michael Dash, Chuck Arndt, Hap Miller (coach)
Bottom: Rich Beheler, Bill Weylman, Dave Reel, Andy Henderson
Economics professor William Billinger articulates a concept in class on October 16, 1989.
View of the women's section of the college choir during an orchestra concert on October 16, 1989.
Philosophy Professor Cyril W. Dwiggins leads a discussion in Memorial Hall on October 27, 1989.
A student draws on a paper version of the Berlin Wall erected by the German Club in November 1989.
Aerial view of campus and Carlisle, looking northwest over the Benjamin Rush and Charles Nisbet Campuses toward North Mountain in December 1989.
Aerial view of campus and Carlisle, looking northeast over Biddle Field in December 1989.
Aerial view of campus, looking south over the Quads toward South Mountain in December 1989.
A group of friends gather together to take a photograph at the Dickinson vs. Gettysburg football game at Gettysburg College in fall 1989.
Front Row, left to right: Laura Sappelsa ; Alexandra "Alex" R. Don Konics ; Laura Spindler
Second Row, left to right: Rebecca Gerhart ; Sarah Boone ; Angela (Angie) Fernandez;
Third row, left to right: Nancy Maslanka ; Amy Shook
If you can identify anyone in this photograph or provide any additional information, please contact the Archives ( This image is slide 275 of the Class of 1990 Senior Slideshow.