Engles, James

Making the Shot, 1989

Pat Brogan ('90) takes a shot during a game versus Susquehanna University in January or February 1989.

The student wearing #14 is Craig "Duke" Scott ('90). The player farthest away from the camera, wearing #32, is Mark Copeland ('91) and the individual with the mustache halfway between...

Men's Basketball Team, 1988

The 1988 men's basketball team poses for a picture.

Kneeling: William Callahan, Steve Woodward, Duke Scott, Cal Williams, Gary Markle, Robert Garrett, Thomas Benz, James Engles

Standing: Thomas Wernoch, Matt Ward, Richard Loomes, Mark Copeland, Stanton Dean "Tad"...

Men's Basketball Team, 1990

The 1990 men's varsity and junior varsity basketball teams pose for a combined photo.

First row: Richard Vinci, Bram Zeigler, Christopher Piontkowski, Michael Freese, Steve Siegel, Michael Fortin, Frank Butterfield

Second row:...

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