
Donald Austin Olewine, 1950

Donald Austin Olewine is a member of the Class of 1950.

On the phone, c.1992

A student makes a phone call and smiles.

On the phone, c.1994

A girl poses with a drink while talking on the phone.

On the water, c.1989

Two students ride in a gondola during their study abroad experience.

One student carries another, c.1995

A student carries another one on Morgan field. 

Oompa Loompas, c.1989

View of two students in Oompa Loompa costumes.

Opening Ceremony, 1951

View of an opening ceremony during a football game at Biddle field in 1951.

Orchestra, 1897

View of the Dickinson College Orchestra during the 1896-1897 academic year.

Orchestra, 1898

The Dickinson Orchestra of 1897-1898.  Ira B. McNeal ('98) is sitting second from right in the front row.

Orchestra and Choir concert, 1993

The Orchestra and Choir perform "A Concert of French Music" in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on November 21, 1993. Music Professor Truman C. Bullard is the conductor.

Orchestra and Choir concert, 1995

The orchestra and choir perform together in concert, November 19, 1995.  The program included a variety of works by Giacomo Puccini.

Orchestra and Glee Club, 1898

Members of the Dickinson College Orchestra and Glee Club pose for a formal photograph during the 1897-1898 academic year. 

Orchestra concert, 1940

View of the Dickinson College Orchestra during a concert on April 12, 1940.

Orchestra in Bosler Hall, 1936

View of the orchestra on the stage in the Bosler Hall chapel in 1936.

Orchestra in Bosler Hall, 1937

View of the orchestra on the stage in the Bosler Hall chapel in 1937.

Orchestra rehearsal, c.1980

View as Diane Dunn (center, blue shirt) and Bill Epperly (left, plaid shirt) play their violins during an orchestra rehearsal around 1980.

Orientation, 1990

New students open their mailboxes in the Holland Union Building (HUB) with their parents during Orientation, most likely on August 24, 1990.

Orientation, 1990

A student holds a baby in one arm as she holds a copy of the Student Handbook under her other arm during Orientation in late August 1990.


An orientation group meets at the flagpole on the academic quad, most likely on August 25, 1990.

From right: Jeremy Pearson ('94) ; Becky Raabe ('94) ; Andy Borner ('92) ; Sam Passman ('94)

Orientation, 1991

Jessica Piscitelli (Class of 1993), a RA (Resident Adviser), leads an activity during Orientation for the Class of 1995.

Orientation, 1991

Parents and students stop by the Welcome tent on Morgan field for some coffee during Orientation on August 30, 1991.

Orientation, 1991

Two students talk to one another during orientation for the Class of 1995.

Two parents talk with a RA (Resident Adviser) and orientation staff during Orientation for the Class of 1995. The three students wearing hats are also members of Wheel and Chain.

Center: Artrese Morrison ('92)

Right: Laura Croghan ('92)

Orientation, 1992

Orientation staff walks with freshman to the Holland Union Building during Orientation on August 28, 1992. The students are walking in the plaza located between Biddle House and the Spahr Library. 

Front of line, left to right: Lance Baldwin ('93) ; Laura Burrel ('94)

Orientation, 1994

Two upperclassmen give new students a tour of Carlisle during Orientation on August 28, 1994.


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