The All-College Social Body plans a series of events for the coming year, including a Dad's Day, a barn dance, and an open house. President Corson announces the new heads of ten committees. Judge Karl Richards is selected as speaker for the annual Homecoming chapel service. Dale O. Hartzell writes a short piece detailing Revolutionary leader Jams Wilson's interaction with Carlisle int eh mid to late 18th Century. The Dickinson college Religious Association holds a meeting in Memorial Hall of Old West, featuring Howard A. Wiley, president of the organization, as speaker. "Modern Trends and Methods in the New Education" is the theme for the 85th Annual Institute of the Teachers of Cumberland County, held this year at Dickinson College. Yvonne Laird, exchange student from France, gives her impressions of Dickinson, American college culture, and the weather in an interview with the Dickinsonian. The Catholic Club holds its first discussion of the year. In three states, graduates of Dickinson are running for political office. Volleyball, soccer, and football are profiled. Two prize contests, one sponsored by the young Republican National Federation and one by Vogue Magazine, offer internships and scholarships to Dickinson students. The Deputation Committee meets to discuss coming year's program. /p>