Three students, Edward E. Knauss, Leon M. Robinson, and Robert H. Llewellyn, are elected to Phi Beta Kappa society.  Claude Hopkins and his Orchestra make the Mid-Winter Ball a success.  The Catholic Club hears Father Schott give a speech.  Wheel and Chain host a "Sweater Hop" dance.  President Corson and his wife take a cruise to Nassau.  The Lamda Sigma Pi fraternity elected four new members.  Only four teams remain in the intramural debate contest for the Tau Kappa Alpha trophy.  Tau Delta Pi, the Dickinson drama fraternity, staged its mystery drama "Swamp Spirit" at the University of Pennsylvania.  The Editor-in-Chief of the Dickinsonian appoints members to the Editorial Board.  Professor Mulford Stough writes article detailing Benjamin Rush's work during the Yellow Fever of 1793 in Philadelphia.  The Dickinsonian prepares to host the spring convention of the Intercollegiate News Association.  University of Delaware beats Dickinson in basketball; team to play Bucknell in coming weekend.  Intramural handball begins.  Freshman basketball loses to Villanova.  Pi Beta Phi beats Chi Omega in girls intramural basketball; Sigma Chi leads standings for men's intramural basketball.  The Hampton Institute Quartet plays "negro folk songs" at Chapel services.  Union Philosophical Society will actively support the Inter-Collegiate Government Conference.  The Dramatic Club chooses new players for its spring production, "The Shining Hour."  Paul Burtner leads a discussion with the Young People's Fellowship entitled "Being a Lutheran."  The Dickinson College Religious Association inaugurates a campaign to aid the Far Eastern Student Service Fund.  Four students at Dickinson get accepted to medical schools. 
