Alpha Sigma Gamma, the journalism fraternity, elects seven new members.  Professor of American History Hiram Herr Shenk speaks before Young People's Fellowship.  Dr. Reinhard Beutner of the Hahnemann Medical College speaks before the Mohler Scientific Club.  Alvin Blumberg to play part of David Linden in the Dramatic Club's presentation of  "The Shining Hour."  Social Committee plans excursions to Eastern Pennsylvania.  Max Brauer, German opponent to the Nazi Party,  gives speech before the International Relations Club regarding the current state in Germany.  Omicron Delta Kappa elected Professor Wellman J. Warner as an associate member of the Upsilon Circle.  John Ell explains the Catholic Church's support of Franco in the Spanish Civil War to Dickinson's Catholic Club.  Colonel William Addleman Ganoe speaks at Bosler Hall on leadership.  President of the Board of Trustees Boyd Lee Spahr donated the final piece of land for Dickinson's Mooreland campus.  The intercollegiate debate team is set to meet Penn State.  Dickinson loses to Gettysburg in basketball, extends away-court losing streak to three seasons without a win at a school other than Dickinson.  Basketball to play Ursinus Feb. 25 and Franklin & Marshall Feb. 28.  Swimming loses to Hopkins.  Phi Epsilon  Pi is on top of the tables for Intramural basketball.  Die Deutsche Verein holds open meeting at Phi Delta Theta fraternity house.  UPS sponsors student body-wide oratorical concert.  Pi Phi leads tables of women's intramural basketball.

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