Dickinson defeats Swarthmore in the semi-final of the Intercollegiate Debating League of Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia Club holds its six annual banquet. Phi Kappa Sigma moves into a "handsome new house" on South College [Street]. The recital of Mrs. Bertha Kunz-Baker in the Carlisle Opera House is said to be one of the best ever presented in Carlisle.
George A. Crider, college trustee, prepares to give a speech at Allison M.E. Church. Athletic Association officers are elected; the Athletic treasurer's report is released. The Philadelphia Club holds elections. The Kappa Sigma fraternity entertains Hon. Philip P. Campell. The Comus Club holds the second dance of the season.
Paul Jones Davis, captain of the football team, and Carl O. Benner, manager of the team, address the college. The coach, J.W. Williams, provides a "general resume" of the team.
"On a slippery field" Dickinson loses to State by one touchdown, 6-0. Dr. C.T. Winchester of Wesleyan University gives the first lecture of the Civic Club course in the opera house. Members of the Union Philosophical and Belles Lettres literary societies choose question and candidate for the Inter-Society Debate.
"On to State" is the present watchword as the Athletic Association plans a student trip to support their football team. The National YMCA Committee sets aside a "Week of Prayer." Reverends Dr. Wm. A. Stephens Hurt and John D. Fox lecture students.
A dramatic club is organized. Eligibility rules are adopted for athletes, including rules against receiving financial compensation or playing without taking a full course load. The ladies of Lloyd Hall entertain with a "Hallowe'en" party.
The need of a drama club is discussed. Washington and Jefferson defeat Dickinson on the gridiron by means of a safety with a final scoreline of 2-0. Dickinsonians prepare for the game against Penn State.
Dickinson defeats Ursinus 4-0 in a kick-filled football game that punctuates the differences from the modern game. Roswell Bates of New York City delivers a lecture in Allison M.E. Church.
Judge Hinkley of Danville, Pa. and Dr. J.D. Fox, a pastor in Trenton, N.J., prepare to address the student body. The National Biscuit Company demonstrates to the chant of "We Want a Biscuit at Halbert's Tonight." The Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity takes a tally-ho ride to Boiling Springs to forage for chestnuts.
The Business Men's Carnival, sponsored by Dickinson's Athletic Associatio and to be held in the Opera House, "promises to be THE event of the season." A Geology class, under the direction of Professor Stephens, goes on a field trip. The Reeds host a reception for Phi Kappa Sigma. The performance of the New York Symphony Orchestra under Walter Damrosch is an excellent success.