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A 14” brass tarnished cup with two handles inscribed with "INTER-CLASS HOCKEY CHAMPIONS DICKINSON COLLEGE WOMEN" over a design of a pair of crossed hockey sticks and the names of the women’s hockey championship winners from 1932 to 1957.

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Women's Trophy

Format: Plaques/Trophies

A gold metal high school class ring with the school's seal engraved on the ring. On either side are designs featuring "32" and "WP" for the William Penn High School Class of 1932. On the inside of the band the initials "R.A.T" are engraved. This…

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Class Ring

Format: Jewelry

A silver metal class ring for Wilson College. A dark blue stone engraved with the college seal is set into the face of the ring. On either side of the stone are designs featuring the Wilson College "W". On the inside of the band, the intials "H.…

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Class Ring

Format: Jewelry

Gold polygonal pin with sorority letters and jewels which belonged to Sarah Rowe.

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Greek Life, Sorority Pin

Format: Jewelry

Class of 1934/1935 flag made of red felt with white felt letters, last digit can be replaced to alternate the class year.

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Class Flags, Flag

Format: Flags/Pennants/Banners

Raven's Claw cap belonging to George Shuman, Jr. This cap would have been work by Shuman to represent his affiliation with the honor society.  Raven's Claw is made up of seven senior Dickinson males.  

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Honor Societies

Format: Hats

A red warm-up jacket, similar to others worn by the basketball team, with "Dickinson" stitched in white on the front and a "7" on the sleeve. 

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Athletics, Jacket

Format: Clothing

A red and white knitted jersey, pants, and socks worn by Conrad Kahler for the “Mascot Twelve” football game during halftime at Homecoming on October 24, 1936. This game was traditionally played by the children of the faculty. 

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Uniform, Athletics, Homecoming

Format: Clothing

A red and white knitted jersey, pants, and socks worn by Daniel Kahler for the “Mascot Twelve” football game played during halftime at Homecoming on October 24, 1936. This game was traditionally played by the children of the faculty. 

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Athletics, Homecoming, Uniform

Format: Clothing

A red and white knitted jersey, pants, and socks worn by H. Gilman Wing for the "Mascot Twelve" football game played by children of the faculty. This game was held during halftime at Homecoming, October 24, 1936. 

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Athletics, Uniform, Homecoming, Socks

Format: Clothing

Football from the Dickinson v. Penn State game on October 17, 1931.

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Football

Format: Athletic Equipment

Red, cotton freshman dink that belonged to Madelaine Batt Grafton, class of 1941. 

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Dink, College Traditions

Format: Hats

Spherical black enamel box with metal base and white plastic top, Phi Kappa Sigma symbol in gold metal, from 1937.

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Greek Life

Format: Miscellaneous

Gold Raven’s Claw symbol featuring “7” and “1937,” which belonged to George Shuman, Jr.

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Honor Societies

Format: Pins/Buttons

A gold rectangular pin with a paper insert "George Shuman, Da Zeta" written in black pen attached to a red silk ribbon with "Council Convention District II, N. C. Alpha, Phi Kappa Psi, April 29- May 1, 1937, Delegate" in black lettering.

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: pin and ribbon

Format: Pins/Buttons

A black, red, white and yellow academic hood given to Zatae Longsdorff Straw (Class of 1887) at the awarding of her honorary degree in 1937.

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Academic Regalia, Hood

Format: Clothing

White circle with red college seal, lettering, and space to write a name, created for Guest Day on April 24, 1937.

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Guest Day, Buttons

Format: Pins/Buttons

Murad Tobacco card featuring a Dickinson athlete on the front with the college seal. On reverse side a list of schools is featured.

Decade: 1930-1939

Subject: Tobacco Souvenir, Athletics

Format: Ephemera

Gold linked band with black centerpiece bearing the Phi Kappa Sigma symbol in gold metal.

Decade: 1940-1949

Subject: Greek Life

Format: Jewelry

Three red satin zip-up basketball jackets with white lettering and numbers on the left sleeve. 

Decade: 1940-1949

Subject: Athletics, Jacket

Format: Clothing

A small gold metal pendent featuring a stamped seal of the New Hampshire Medical Society celebrating fifty years. "New Hampshire Medical Society" is engraved around the seal. On the back is a name and date engraved "Zatae L. Straw 1892-1942".…

Decade: 1940-1949

Subject: Commemorative Medal

Format: Currency/Medallions

A small silver pocket watch given to the recipient of “The 1902 Award”. The watch has a silver clock-face with black numbers and text and is housed in a small green pouch with the text “Tahys Watch Cases” in blue. The award was given to Dean Meck…

Decade: 1940-1949

Subject: Honors and Awards, Class of 1902 Award

Format: Jewelry

The American flag with 48 stars, folded in a military fashion. Slightly faded.

Decade: 1940-1949

Subject: American flag, Military

Format: Flags/Pennants/Banners

A United States Navy Reserve (USNR) Dog Tag with a chain necklace attached and engraved with the text "COUTTS ALAN 647 43 68 TYPE-O T/11/43 USNR-P."

Decade: 1940-1949

Subject: Dog Tags, Military

Format: Jewelry

Raven's Claw cloth hat with insignia, belonging to James Prescott, III, class of 1944. Prescott wore the hat to show his affiliation with the honor society.  Raven's Claw is an honor society consisting of seven senior Dickinson males.…

Decade: 1940-1949

Subject: Honor Societies

Format: Hats

Gold ring with college seal in black setting which belonged to Elizabeth Faddis Cunliffe.

Decade: 1940-1949

Subject: Class Ring

Format: Jewelry

A black iron embosser with the stamp of the Dickinson College seal.

Decade: 1940-1949

Subject: Embosser

Format: Miscellaneous

A gold medal attached to a rainbow and red colored ribbon pin. On the front there is an image of woman holding a broken sword in each hand and one foot standing on a helmet and the text "WORLD WAR II". On the reverse is the image of a piece of…

Decade: 1940-1949

Subject: Award Medals, Military, World War II

Format: Currency/Medallions

A certificate mounted in a gold frame listing the date, medals and position awarded to Thomas Edward Munce, Jr. for his service in World War II. Under the crest printed in orange, the text reads "The Under-Secretary of State for War presents his…

Decade: 1940-1949

Subject: certificate, Award Medals, Military, World War II

Format: Currency/Medallions, Ephemera

Black cap and hood and red gown belonging to Frank Elmer Masland, Jr., class of 1918 and a member of the Dickinson College Board of Trustees from 1946-1965.

Decade: 1940-1949

Subject: Academic Regalia, Cap, Gown, Hood

Format: Clothing, Hats