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A certificate mounted in a gold frame listing the date, medals and position awarded to Thomas Edward Munce, Jr. for his service in World War II. Under the crest printed in orange, the text reads "The Under-Secretary of State for War presents his…
Decade: 1940-1949
Subject: certificate, Award Medals, Military, World War II
Format: Currency/Medallions, Ephemera
This Wheel and Chain hat from 1945 was worn by Christine Myers Crist, class of 1946. The hat was donated by Jane Myers Seller, class of 1955, in 2012.
Decade: 1940-1949
Subject: Honor Societies
Format: Hats
A piece of reddish wood with a circular silver disk inserted on one side. The disk reads, "U. S. S. MISSOURI, Over this spot on 2 September 1945 the instrument of formal surrender of Japan to the Allied Powers was signed thus bringing to a close…
Decade: 1940-1949
Subject: U.S.S. Missouri, World War II, Military
Format: Miscellaneous
A white ceramic mug with the college name, date, and Chi Omega insignia on the front. The name “Marion V. Bell" is printed on the back in black.
Decade: 1940-1949
Subject: Mug
Format: Glassware/Ceramics
Bronze Medal with bust of John W. Snyder, inscription, and treasury seal. Produced by the U.S. Mint. John W. Snyder was the United States Secretary of the Treasury under President Harry S. Truman. Snyder delivered an address during the 1949…
Decade: 1940-1949
Subject: Commemorative Medal
Format: Currency/Medallions
Metal engraving plate used to produce the invitations to President William W. Edel's inauguration on October 26, 1946.
Decade: 1940-1949
Subject: Engraving Plate, Inauguration, Presidents
Format: Miscellaneous
Fifty-nine engraving blocks from "Fifty Printer's Marks" by Edwin Elliot Willoughby, Class of 1922.
Decade: 1940-1949
Subject: Printing
Format: Artwork/Photography
Alpha Chi Rho fraternity key. The text on the attached paper reads "AXP 'Monte Carlo' March 20, 1948."
Decade: 1940-1949
Subject: Key, Greek Life
Format: Miscellaneous
The dink is made out of red felt with a white button on top. The button is made out of metal which has "Dickinson College Freshman", along with the old college seal and on a piece of paper in the middle "Jim Pritchard" is written.
Decade: 1940-1949
Subject: Student Life, Freshman Beanies, Dink, Nametag
Format: Clothing, Hats, Pins/Buttons, Textiles
White round button with college seal and name, and “Commencement” in red, with “My Name is Dean Hoffman,” a member of the Class of 1949.
Decade: 1940-1949
Subject: Commencement, Buttons, College Traditions
Format: Pins/Buttons
A bronze medallion on a wooden plaque with the inscription, "1949, Red Devils, Dickinson College, George Shuman Jr.", honoring George Shuman, Jr. for his performance in football in 1949.
Decade: 1940-1949
Subject: Athletics, Athletic plaque
Format: Plaques/Trophies
China plate with oil-lamp and flower pattern, black engraving of Allison Memorial Church in center.
Decade: Unknown
Subject: Commemorative Plates, Methodist Church, Religion and Spirituality
Format: Glassware/Ceramics
Large 3D painted ceramic model of Old West.
Decade: Unknown
Subject: West College (Old West)
Format: Glassware/Ceramics
Large rectangle banner of red felt with white border, college name and seal.
Decade: Unknown
Subject: College Seal
Format: Flags/Pennants/Banners
A brown marble desk set including a letter holder, an ink blotter, and and inkwell/pen holder. This set was used by President Karl Tinsley Waugh.
Decade: 1930-1939
Subject: Desk Set
Format: Miscellaneous
Red and white felt banner with college seal and "Dickinson College" on one side.
Decade: Unknown
Subject: College Flags
Format: Flags/Pennants/Banners
A fragment of a white ironstone pitcher painted with Asian scenes and style. It was found in an excavation of the ground for Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium.
Decade: Unknown
Subject: Pitcher, Construction
Format: Glassware/Ceramics
Round green and blue pin with a figure on a house bearing a shield. Perhaps an proponent of the Order of St. George.
Decade: Unknown
Subject: Military, Honors and Awards
Format: Pins/Buttons
Six red adhesive paper pennant stickers with "Dickinson" and the college insignia in white. Five large and one small. Donated by Wilbur Gobrecht of the class of 1952.
Decade: Unknown
Subject: Pennants
Format: Flags/Pennants/Banners
White ceramic mug with "Masland for the 199th" in blue, and blue magnet with white lettering of identical design.
Decade: Unknown
Format: Glassware/Ceramics, Miscellaneous
White round button with college seal and name, and “Commencement” in red, with “My Name is Whitfield J. Bell, Jr.”
Decade: 1950-1959
Subject: Commencement, Buttons, College Traditions
Format: Pins/Buttons
Four trees from the holiday decorations of Karl Tinsley Waugh, and two choir members from Marie Ferré.
Decade: Unknown
Subject: Christmas Decorations
Format: Miscellaneous
College china gravy boat, white glazed with small red college seal on one side.
Decade: Unknown
Subject: China, College Seal
Format: Glassware/Ceramics
White Wedgwood plate with profile of Joseph Priestley in center in black.
Decade: Unknown
Subject: Commemorative Plates, Wedgwood
Format: Glassware/Ceramics
Gold circle pin with black center with gold entwining letters.
Decade: Unknown
Subject: Initials
Format: Pins/Buttons
Gold circle pin painted with blue and green enamel, featuring Chinese letters and two figures.
Decade: Unknown
Subject: Chinese
Format: Pins/Buttons
Ceramic plate with gold border and center view of the John Dickinson mansion in blue.
Decade: Unknown
Subject: Plate
Format: Glassware/Ceramics