Football Team, 1979

The 1979 football team poses for a picture.

First row: William Gray, Richard Malacrea, Arnold DiJoseph, Jonathan Lapps, James Slattery, Michael Highberger, Michael Andris, Kelly King, Jay Steinman, Gary Knechtel, Raymond Mitchell, Paul Landry, Steven Hoffman, John Argento

Second row: Paul Lupinacci, Hal Hockfield, Matthew Boland, Michael Ridgway, Charles Boyd, Brian Starkman, Robert Curley, Ray Freeman, William Conwell, John DiOrio, Scott Mumma, Eugene Krygier, James Bolton, Peter Resch

Third row: Steven Snyder, Francis Meeteer, Christopher Carson, Robert Burris, Bernard Tokarczyk, Scott Galbraith, Randall Morgan, Lee Riley, Mark Sperry, Andrew Kuhl, Eric Posey, William White, Andrew Lieberman

Fourth row: Marc Rosenkrantz, William Hanby, Jarrel Tackett, Jeffrey Page, Christopher Connelly, Jacob Vaxmonsky, Charles Casalnova, Thomas Merlie, John Reynolds, Mark Kopenhaver, Thomas Fleming, James Carson, Jack Morris, Gary Wiegman, Paul Stevens

Fifth row: James Gerlach, Dennis Shank, James Tanner, Leon Fitts, Wilbur J. Gobrecht, Raymond Erney, Andrew Kramer, Richard Cohen, Gary Ruhl, Bruce Vogelsong

Photograph Archives

Men's Lacrosse Team, 1979

The Men's Lacrosse team with Coach Wilbur J. Gobrecht in 1979.

Seated on ground: player #42 Ervin Frederick

Row seated in chairs: player #21 Don Weiss '79 ; #43 Co-captain Mike Andrus

Second row from back, 5th from left: player #45 Clark Wiley ; 6th from left: Bill Tambussi

Photograph Archives

Kline Center groundbreaking ceremony, 1979

View of the Kline Center groundbreaking ceremony on Friday, May 18, 1979.

This photo features President Banks, outgoing President of the Board of Trustees Samuel W. Witwer ('30), as well as Chairman of the Special Planning Committee and incoming President of the Board of Trustees William S. Masland.

Photograph Archives
Events and Activities