William Howard Sharp papers

Photograph, c.1910 (Photographs, folder 3)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

William Howard Sharp (1891-1958) graduated from Dickinson College in 1913. After graduation he worked as an insurance agent, was admitted to the New Jersey bar, and was elected to the New Jersey State Senate. This collection contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, and photographs that document Sharp's political career and civic involvement.

MC 2009.2

Robert Swift papers

Poster, 1979 (Box 1, folder 13)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Robert Swift was a Pennsylvania statehouse reporter during the accident at Three Mile Island. As such, he not only covered the numerous press conferences held to discuss the incident, but also reported from TMI the first night of the accident. The Robert Swift collection consists primarily of press releases, official statements, and testimony from the period immediately following the March 28, 1979 accident at Three Mile Island. The bulk of these materials originated from Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thornburgh's office.

Time Period

Allen C. Tanner Papers

OC 2013.3, Folder 16
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Allen C. Tanner (1898-1987) was an Illinois-born pianist. At fifteen he was awarded a scholarship to study music in Chicago. There he met Margaret Anderson, editor of the Little Review. Tanner then moved to New York City where he performed in musical salons and accompanied many musical greats of the era including Marguerite Namara and Marguerite d'Alvarez. In 1922, Tanner left for Berlin, where he met Russian artist Pavel Tchelitchew and the two men became lovers. In 1924 the pair moved to Paris to pursue their artistic careers. There they became friends with literary greats Gertrude Stein and Edith Sitwell. Tanner and Tchelitchew ended their relationship in 1934. Tanner returned to the United States where he coached piano students in concert repertory. In 1967 he released the album Allen Tanner Plays Bach, Debussy, Scriabin, Granados, Rachmaninoff, Liszt, and Steinert. The collection contains correspondence, writings, programs and publicity, news clippings, financial documents, sheet music, sound recordings, photographs, and books. The correspondence comprises the bulk of this collection. In addition to Tanner's correspondence with fellow musicians and cultural figures, Tanner also exchanged letters with authors and publishers who were interested in his memories of individuals such as Tchelitchew, Gertude Stein, Edith Sitwell, and Margaret Anderson.

The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University also holds a collection of Allen Tanner papers

MC 2013.3

Three Mile Island Alert (TMIA) papers

Newsletter, 1979 (folder
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Three Mile Island Alert (TMIA) collection consists of the various papers, government documents, legal documents, transcripts, and publications collected and maintained by Three Mile Island Alert, a not-for-profit citizens' organization dedicated to promotion of safe-energy alternatives to nuclear power. The bulk of this collection consists of reports and legal papers pertaining to the accident at Three Mile Island Unit-2, its cleanup, and the restart of TMI Unit-1. Due to the size of the collection, an outline of the collection has been provided to serve as a guide to the full register. The processing of this collection was funded, in part, by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.

Time Period

Nancy Tiley family papers

Image of Tiley Family Collection
Collection Inventory
Date Range
1819-1979; bulk 1880-1945

This collection documents several members of the Dum family of Carlisle, PA, particularly Annie Spotts Dum, Blanche L. Dum (Class of 1910), George B. Dum, Miriam Dum Frey (Class of 1913), and Ray Spotts Dum (Class of 1908).  The collection is composed primarily of family correspondence from the 1880s through the 1930s. It also includes family memorabilia, such as event programs, school documents, and some documents regarding family history. 

MC 2017.3

Ruth Trout family papers

Photograph, c1945 (Photographs, folder 52)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Ruth Agnes Trout graduated from Dickinson College with the class of 1936. In 1983, she and her sister, Helen Elizabeth Trout, established the Trout Gallery at the college in honor of their parents, Brook and Mary Agnes Cook Trout. This collection of papers documents Trout's relationship with the college, primarily as an alumna. It contains correspondence with college officials and financial documents that particularly emphasize her support of the Trout Gallery. This collection also includes a record of her family's history back to approximately the Civil War. Family-related materials include correspondence, genealogical materials, photographs, legal and financial documents, and memorabilia from important life events. Surnames represented in the collection include Brindle, Cook, Dale(s), McCall, Ritter, Stringer, and Trout.

MC 2005.1

Morris King Udall papers

Letter, 1983 (Box 2, folder 11)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Morris King Udall served as a Congressman from Arizona for thirty years. From 1977 to 1991, he chaired the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs where he was instrumental in launching the investigation into the March 1979 accident at Three Mile Island. The Morris King Udall collection consists mostly of correspondence and reports collected by Morris while he was chairman of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. This collection was donated to Dickinson College in 1982 by Henry Myers, a staff member in Congressman Udall's office.

Time Period

Paul R. Walker papers

Journal, 1950 (Box 10, folder 5)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Paul Walker (1896-1985) was a 1921 graduate of Dickinson College and a longtime contributing editor and columnist with the Harrisburg Patriot-News; his column "Roundabout" appeared for over ten years. This collection is comprised of diaries, commonplace books, newspaper articles and other materials donated by Mrs. Paul R. Walker in 1985.

MC 2003.10

Edwin E. Willoughby papers

The Uses of Bibliography, Lecture II: “The Bibliographer and the Makers of the Book” (typescript), 1953
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The Willoughby collection is divided into three series and housed in four document boxes. It is comprised mostly of drafts of literary works, contained in the Literary Productions series, as well as correspondence, mostly relating to his librarian work, and miscellaneous other materials. The materials date from 1928 to 1965, with the majority of materials dating from the 1940s and 1950s.

MC 2011.5

Barbara Stevens Wishmeyer scrapbook

Page from Barbara Stevens Wishmeyer scrapbook
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Barbara Stevens Wishmeyer served as Dean of Women at Dickinson College from 1959-1967. She created this scrapbook that documents the lives of the first-year female students living in Metzger Hall during the 1962-1963 academic year.  That was the last year that Metzger Hall served as housing for Dickinson students, as it was razed at the conclusion of the Spring 1963 semester.  The scrapbook contains primarily photographs, as well as some newspaper clippings and event programs.  In addition to capturing everyday life, this scrapbook also records orientation, sorority rush, the annual Military Ball, and farewell events marking the closing of Metzger Hall.

Time Period
SB 2013.7