Letter from Roy Wilkins to Ray Bliss

This is a carbon copy of a letter from Roy Wilkins to Democratic National Committee Chairman Ray C. Bliss, in which Wilkins implores the Party to ensure integrated delegations. Wilkins writes to Chairman John M.
This is a carbon copy of a letter from Roy Wilkins to Democratic National Committee Chairman Ray C. Bliss, in which Wilkins implores the Party to ensure integrated delegations. Wilkins writes to Chairman John M.
Roy Wilkins writes to John M. Bailey, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, asking how the Convention intends to implement the 1964 commitment to fully representative delegations.
United States House of Representatives Minority Leader Gerald Ford writes to Paul R. Walker (Class of 1921), a longtime contributing editor and columnist for the Harrisburg Patriot-News.
Catalog for "Leonard Baskin in Massachusetts," an exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Springfield, Massachusetts. Baskin received the Dickinson College Arts Award in 1963.
Typescript of "Moncure Conway and German Philosophy," a speech given by Loyd D. Easton of Ohio Wesleyan University for the Boyd Lee Spahr Lecture at Dickinson College on April 24, 1969.
Poet Marianne Moore writes to editor John Hunt to "hazard a specimen or two;" she includes a variety of poetic fragments.
Poet Marianne Moore writes to an unspecified "kind, kind Don." Moore thanks Don for "taking [his] time to help [her], and send for a taxi;" she is also grateful for his gift of "The Adoration of the Magi, the one true message for the days." Finall
Dr. Clarence E. Jackson presents this paper, "Oxygen- The Good and Bad Performer in Welding," at the 1st BOC Priestley Conference in Leeds, England in September 1977. The paper includes 20 illustrations.
Mabel Abbott provides an overview of Joseph Priestley and his house in central Pennsylvania in "The Story of Joseph Priestley House" by Mabel Abbott.
Hazelle Myra Allen Brooks graduated from Dickinson College in 1934. This collection contains diaries kept by her as a college student and as a young mother during World War II. It also includes diaries kept by her mother, Essie Myra Comstock Allen.
The Arts Award was established by Dickinson College in order to recognize achievements in the Arts and Humanities. Honoring Dr. William Wilcox Edel, alumnus and former president of the college, the Arts Award is bestowed upon an individual who has made an outstanding contribution in the performing or visual arts.
The Arts Award collection is primarily organized chronologically, each award recipient comprising a separate series. Documents related to the founding of the award, the papers of the Award Committee, and the financial records regarding the award are grouped into three separate series at the beginning of the collection.
Series 1 - Founding
Series 2 - Award Committee
Series 3 - Financial Records
Series 4 to 27 - Specific Arts Award recipients
The collection consists of the papers of Charles Gilbert Beetem, a Carlisle, PA rug manufacturer, local historian and genealogist, amateur artist, and omnivorous collector. Diaries, manuscripts, letters, advertisements, greeting cards, and extensive runs of Philadelphia and Carlisle turn-of-the-century theater programs are all included in the collection, as well as accounts of Carlisle and Cumberland County history. College memorabilia includes his own drawings for Dickinson's yearbook. The collection also contains the Conodoquinet Yacht Club Archives. Miscellaneous materials include journals and accounts for homes he designed and built as well as those for proposed real estate development in Carlisle. The correspondence reflects Beetem's longtime interest in U. S. island possessions, which is the subject of his large collection of publications and books housed in our library.
The collection contains correspondence, pamphlets, and photographs of Dr. Annie (Wood) Besant (1847-1933), a prominent and revolutionary freethinker of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Besant was a Christian wife and mother who later in life became an Atheist doctor and activist. She became active in social reform after her children had been taken from her following her separation from her husband. In her later years Besant moved to India to help champion the cause of home rule in that country. The correspondence consists mainly of letters from Besant to her friends, family, and colleagues in the United States, England, and India. A particularly noteworthy letter is one written to Besant from Mohandas Gandhi. Also included in the collection are pamphlets written by Besant, a stamp from India dedicated to her honor, and several photographs of Besant.
The collection reflects Scott Blum's (1959- ) interest in the sciences, particularly computers. The documents and materials relate to Blum's time at Dickinson College, especially his academic career, and consist of notes and notebooks, syllabi, exams, and other materials. Blum graduated from Dickinson College in 1981.
This collection consists of course materials, writings, and translations created by Marianna Bogojavlensky, who taught Russian language and literature at Dickinson College from 1963 to 1981.
James Buchanan was a graduate of Dickinson College, Class of 1809, who went on to become the fifteenth president of the United States. The majority of this collection is comprised of correspondence between Buchanan and his business and political associates; over four hundred letters penned by Buchanan are included in the collection. Drafts of speeches, printed pamphlets, and various memorabilia are also represented.
These artifacts and oversized items about the Carlisle Indian School were acquired by the Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections individually and are not part of any larger collection.
These items about the Carlisle Indian School were acquired by the Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections individually and are not part of any larger collection.
The Edwin K. Charles collection consists of the various papers, government documents, newsletters, transcripts, and publications collected by Charles in the years following the accident at Three Mile Island. Edwin K. Charles, a resident of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, became heavily involved with the public-awareness group, Three Mile Island Alert, directly following the accident at Three Mile Island in 1979. Over the years, he collected various materials concerning the legal struggles between the NRC, GPU, and Three Mile Island Alert.
This collection consists of the essays and sermons of Walter L. Crowding, Dickinson Class of 1925 and Methodist minister. Most of the essays are written upon various topics in religion, but also included are treatises on art and literature. The majority of the collection is comprised of more than 800 sermons presented by Crowding from 1921 to 1975.
Albert L. Demaree (1894-1964) graduated from Dickinson College in 1923. This collection contains materials from his service in the U.S. Navy during both World Wars, including certificates, medals, and photographs. The collection also includes materials pertaining to his academic credentials as a graduate of Dickinson College, Dartmouth College, and Columbia University.
The collection documents the education and early teaching career of Velva Diven Daihl, class of 1927, and her husband, Sam Daihl. The bulk of the materials pertain to Velva's experiences as a Dickinson student and alumna. Some other items of note include photographs, a scrapbook, and a Daihl family genealogy.
The collection includes various materials gathered by Blanche, Ray, and Miriam Dum, graduates of Dickinson College in 1910, 1911, and 1913, respectively. Examples of the materials include college bills and report cards from the early part of the century, scholastic materials from Carlisle High School, and photographs.
Michelle Ehrich graduated from Dickinson College in 1981. During her junior year, she studied abroad in Bologna, Italy. The collection consists primarily of letters and postcards that Michelle sent home to her family describing her life in Bologna and traveling around Europe during the 1979-80 academic year. There are also several letters from when Michelle returned to Italy following her 1981 graduation in order to work as a nanny for an Italian family.
Lewis Daniel Gobrecht graduated from Dickinson College in 1955. This collection primarily represents his academic and extracurricular life as a student, with particular emphasis on his involvement in theatre and music activities.