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Five silver medallions housed in small round cases, which were produced for the Methodist Church in 1866 by Warner & Sons.

Decade: 1860-1869

Subject: Methodist Church, Religion and Spirituality, Commemorative Medal

Format: Currency/Medallions

Larger silver medal featuring John Wesley and inscriptions, produced for centennial of the Methodist Church in 1866.

Decade: 1860-1869

Subject: Commemorative Medal, Methodist Church, Religion and Spirituality

Format: Currency/Medallions

Cut glass pen holder and inkwell with pewter cap, reportedly given to J. Foullerout by James Buchanan in 1867.

Decade: 1860-1869

Subject: Inkwell

Format: Glassware/Ceramics

Copper key inscribed with name of Alexander Dallas Bache Smead as a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 1868.

Decade: 1860-1869

Subject: Honor Societies, Key

Format: Miscellaneous

Gold shield with name of Charles Granville Biggs engraved on the reverse.

Decade: 1860-1869

Subject: Fraternity Pin, Greek Life

Format: Pins/Buttons

Jewel-encrusted black and gold shield which belonged to William James Dale.

Decade: 1860-1869

Subject: Fraternity Pin, Greek Life

Format: Pins/Buttons

Brass-bound binocular microscope dating from around 1870 by R & J Beck of London and Philadelphia. This instrument is numbered 9188 on its base.

Decade: 1870-1879

Subject: Scientific Equipment

Format: Scientific Equipment

Hand-painted oval brooch with a watercolor miniature of Horatio Collins King from around 1875.

Decade: 1870-1879

Subject: Brooch

Format: Jewelry

Gold metal cross with diamonds depicting scientific apparatus on the arms and center, presented to William M. B. Glandig (Class of 1878) in 1876.

Decade: 1870-1879

Subject: Oratorical Contests, Medal, Honors and Awards

Format: Currency/Medallions

Gold medal with chain with Union Philosophical Society emblem in the center, presented to William M. B. Glandig in 1876.

Decade: 1870-1879

Subject: Medal, Literary Societies, Honors and Awards, Oratorical Contests

Format: Currency/Medallions

Silver pendant medal presented to William M. B. Glanding (Class of 1878) for winning the Pierson Prize for Oratory in 1877.

Decade: 1870-1879

Subject: Pierson Prize, Honors and Awards, Medal

Format: Currency/Medallions

Round gold pendant inscribed with contest details and the name of the winner for 1877, James Henry Morgan.

Decade: 1870-1879

Subject: Pierson Prize, Oratorical Contests, Medal, Honors and Awards

Format: Currency/Medallions

A white handkerchief embroidered with floral designs and scalloped  edges. This handkerchief belonged to Zatae Longsdorff, class of 1887.

Decade: 1880-1889

Subject: handkerchief

Format: Clothing

Blue wool cap, jacket, and trousers worn by Frank S. Bender (Class of 1883) as a member of the cadet corps around 1883.

Decade: 1880-1889

Subject: Uniform, Military, Jacket, Pants, Cap

Format: Clothing, Hats

Copper key inscribed with Bradford Oliver McIntire as a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 1883; also inscribed “Wesleyan.”

Decade: 1880-1889

Subject: Honor Societies, Key

Format: Miscellaneous

Gold metal pendant awarded to Horatio Collins King by Governor Grover Cleveland in 1883, which appointed King to Judge Advocate General of New York.

Decade: 1880-1889

Subject: Medal, Honors and Awards, Military

Format: Currency/Medallions

Four gold medal featuring Francis Asbury and Matthew Simpson, produced for the centennial of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1884.

Decade: 1880-1889

Subject: Medal, Religion and Spirituality

Format: Currency/Medallions

Jewel-encrusted 3 banded gold ring with fraternity symbol which belonged to Wilmer Wesley Salmon.

Decade: 1880-1889

Subject: Greek Life, Fraternity Pin

Format: Pins/Buttons

A small portable wooden writting desk with a lock, keys and an ink well. The inside flaps fold up to reveal a small storage space underneath and there is a small box with a lid to store pens. This object belonged to Zatae Longsdorff, class of…

Decade: 1880-1889

Subject: writing desk

Format: Miscellaneous

A gold medallion attached to a red ribbon. On the front the engraving reads "COLLEGIUM DICKINSONIENSE DETUR DIONIORI" and on the back "AWARDED TO Zatae Longsdorff AS A PRIZE FOR ORATORY FOUNDED BY DANIEL PIERSON MDCCCLXXXVI"

Decade: 1880-1889

Subject: Award Medals, Oratorical Contests, Pierson Prize

Format: Currency/Medallions

A round gold pendant with oratorical contest details inscribed on both the front and the back. On the front the name of the winner for 1887, "AWARDED TO MARY R. CURRAN AS A PRIZE FOR ORATORY", is inscribed in the center of the medallion, around…

Decade: 1880-1889

Subject: Award Medals, Oratorical Contests, Pierson Prize

Format: Currency/Medallions

A small card case decorated with squares of mother of pearl on the outside, and inside lined with blue velvet. This object belonged to Zatae Longsdorff, class of 1887.

Decade: 1880-1889

Subject: Card Case

Format: Miscellaneous

A Holy Bible with a well worn dark leather cover. On the spine is the text "Holy Bible" embossed in gold. Inside the front cover is a gift inscription to the owner. This object was owned by Zatae Longsdorff, class of 1887. 

Decade: 1880-1889

Subject: Bible, Religion and Spirituality, Book

Format: Miscellaneous

A Loyal Legion pin worn by John Hays (II), class of 1857, on his jacket lapel. One side of the pin is covered in red, white, and blue fabric, with red, white and blue bow in the center. On the reverse side is a metal silver button with the…

Decade: 1880-1889

Subject: Pins, Military

Format: Pins/Buttons

Single wooden picket with spade-shaped top.  The whitewash paint is weathered and slightly pealing.  The fencepost was supposedly used in the 1888 Halloween riot. 

Decade: 1880-1889

Subject: Riot

Format: Building Materials

A small rectangular soap dish with a lid. The bottom piece is a light green color and the lid is white with blue, green and gilt floral designs. This object belonged to Elizabeth Anna Low, class 1891. 

Decade: 1890-1899

Subject: soap dish

Format: Glassware/Ceramics

A small pink and white vase with green and pink floral and gilt design details. The vase is accompanied by a small pink and white cap with intricate gilt floral designs. On the bottom is the makers stamp in orange and the artists signature. This…

Decade: 1890-1899

Subject: vase

Format: Glassware/Ceramics

A small painting  on marble of a female angel sitting in a budding tree with black hand painted text at the bottom that reads "Spring Blossoms.". The painting is frames in a white and gilt decorative frame. This object belonged to Elizabeth…

Decade: 1890-1899

Subject: Painting

Format: Artwork/Photography

A set of four small white bowls with gilt decoration along the circumferance of the bowl and around the rim. The letters "E.A.L" are written on the sides of the bowls in gilt. These objects belonged to Elizabeth Anna Low, class of 1891. 

Decade: 1890-1899

Subject: China

Format: Glassware/Ceramics

A small white and pink ceramic envelope box with gilt around the rim and floral design decorations in yellow, green, and brown. On the bottom is the manufactorer's stamp and the artist's signature. This object belonged to Elizabeth Anna Low,…

Decade: 1890-1899

Subject: envelope box

Format: Glassware/Ceramics