100th Anniversary of Women at Dickinson

100th Anniversary of Women at Dickinson
Fall 1984

This flier announces upcoming events for the 100th Anniversary of Women at Dickinson, including lectures like "A History of Women at Dickinson," seminars like "American Understandings of College Reunions As Seen In Literature and Film," panel pres

RG 9/8 - 2.5.2
Time Period

Women's Resource Center Newsletter (Nov. 1977)

Women's Resource Center Newsletter (Nov. 1977)
November 1977

The Women's Resource Center Newsletter is produced by the Women's Resource Committee of Dickinson College.

Selected highlights from this issue include:

RG 8/206, B1, F7
Time Period

Lonna M. Malmsheimer interviews

Transcript & tapes, 1979 (Box 1, folder 12; box 4, tapes 29 & 30)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Lonna Malmsheimer collection consists of assorted newspaper articles, transcripts of interviews and audiotapes collected during her work with various other Dickinson College professors and students concerning the public reaction to the Three Mile Island accident on March 28, 1979.

Time Period