Dickinsonian, June 1892

Commencement and commencement week are detailed. UPS and BLS hold their annual general meetings. List of members of class of '92 with vocation, favorite study, favorite swear, measurements, clothing sizes, mottoes, etc. President gives annual Levee. Joseph Webster Stayman wins BLS sophomore oratorical prize. Frank McDaniel wins UPS sophomore oratorical prize. Frederick Elliot Downes wins gold Pierson prize; Clarence Balentine wins silver. William Perry Eveland wins senior oratorical prize. Phi Kappa Psi, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, and Phi Delta Theta hold annual banquets.


Dickinsonian, December 1891

Obituaries for William C. Allison and Warren Pierce '94. Alpha Zeta Phi holds its first reception. Beta Theta Pi moves from its rooms on Hanover Street to rooms on High Street recently vacated by Chi Phi. Pennington Club elects officers; William Perry Eveland is president. Belles Lettres Society elects officers; Charles Coover Greer is president. Union Philosophical Society elects officers; Augustus Sayford Fasick is president.

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Dickinsonian, November 25, 1903

A Dickinsonian pleas with the campus to be proud of and use original Dickinson songs and cheers after Lafayette accuses Dickinson of stealing their tune. William Perry Eveland class of 1892 contributes reminiscences of college days. Harry F.  Pemberton class of 1903 submits a report about his travels as a missionary. Mr. Harry Wetzel and his wife, both Carlisle residents, noticed and put out a fire under the college grandstand before it was able to do serious damage. 

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