LGBT History Project: LGBT-017 Thomas Pfeiffer Collection
LGBT Oral History 036: Paul Foltz
Paul Foltz grew up in Steelton in a very Catholic household, a background to which he attributes his unawareness of his sexuality until later in his college years. It wasn’t until he went to England to complete his graduate-level theatre studies, though, that he encountered a strong and open LGBT community that was growing after the recent decriminalization of homosexual acts, which encouraged him to come out and become comfortable with himself. Upon his return to the U.S., he remained out and was generally met with acceptance. He became involved in Pennsylvania’s LGBT community in helping to establish the Harrisburg Men’s Chorus and Dignity Philadelphia, as well as directing a drag troupe to raise money for HIV support. In this interview, he discusses these events, as well as his work as a costume designer at Theatre Harrisburg and teaching at the Bradley Academy for the Visual Arts and at HACC, in addition to his experiences with being out and gay in central PA.
Lavender Letter (Harrisburg, PA) - March 1990
Created by Lorraine Kujawa, Cindy Mitzel, Mary Nancarrow, and several others in 1983, the Lavender Letter Newsletter was a calendar of events for, by, and about lesbian women to create community in the Central Pennsylvania area. The newsletter was distributed monthly until the mid-2000s.
One Lily Buck - circa 1994
One Lily Buck that can be used as a donation towards the Lily Patient Relief Fund.
Miss Lily's Coloring and Activity Book - undated
Activity and coloring book created by Lily White and Company. Includes pictures to color, puzzles, and crafting activies.
"Lily White and Company and positively hiv, inc." Brochure - circa 1990
Advertising brochure from the partnership of Lily White and Company and positively hiv, inc. Advertises items to be bought from the HIVnALIVE gift shop, sponsored by positively hiv, inc. Proceeds to go to Lily White and Company.
"Miss Lily Wants You" flyers - 1992
Flyer advertisement asking people to become involved in the company. Ways to be involved include: Publicity, Fundraising, Performing, Added to Mailing List, Administrative Volunteer, and Backstage Crew.
Lily's Fall Brochure - 1996
Fall 1996 Brochure from Lily White and Company advertising upcoming fundraisers. Fundraisers include: Lily Hits the Big Apple, Lily White Fall Mums, All You Can Eat Turkey Dinner, ...A Lily White Christmas IV, and Lily White Christmas Wreaths.
Lily White and Company General Brochure - 1995
Lily White and Comapny brochure advertising the company. Discussed the purpose, histoy, and offers that the company provides.
"A Quiet End" Brochure - July 1995
Brochure advertising "A Quiet End" performed by Lily White and Company on July 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, and 23 at the Open Stage of Harrisburg at Strawberry Square.
"A Quiet End" Program - July 1995
Program for "A Quiet End" performed by Lily White and Company on July 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, and 23 at the Open Stage of Harrisburg at Strawberry Square.
"Lily White and Company" Paper Moon Program - undated
Program for performance by Lily White and Company at the Paper Moon.
"Glenda and Friends" Program - undated
Program for "Glenda and Friends" performance at Altland's Ranch, supported by Lily White and Company. Glenda and Friends was a new troupe.
Lily White and Company "Tips for Success" - undated
Tips on how to fundraise successfully created by Lily White and C0mpany. Suggestions include: Dinner/Theater Shows, Favorite Bartender Contests, Lily Bucks, Program Booklets, Underwriter and Patron Seating, and Brochures.
Lily White and Company By-laws, Bound - 1989/90
Bound By-Laws of Lily White and Company that cover: Naming, Purpose, Membership. Governing Authority, Board of Directors, Performing Company, Officers, Supporting Memebership Metting, Committees, Amendments, Conflict of Interest, Limitations of Personal Liability of Director/Idemnification of Director/Officers of Corporation, and Corporate Dissoultion.
"Lily in La-La Land, or the Looking Glass Cracked" Lilybill - July 24, 1994
Program for ""Lily in La-La Land, or the Looking Glass Cracked" performed July 24, 1994 at the Harrisburg Hotel. Also includes a timeline of organizational history.
"Lily Unplugged" Lilybill - July 20, 1997
Porgram for "Lily Unplugged" performed by Lily White and Company at the Ramada Inn, Harrisburg, PA. Includes a timeline of when performers joined the troupe.
Lily-Gram - Winter 1995
The Lily-Gram was a newsletter produced by the Lily White & Company for members of the company. This version is dated incorrectly, and should read "Winter 1995." Highlights in this issue include:
- "Lily Heads into '96 on the Heals of its Successes" (p. 1)
- "In Memoriam," Ron Phillips and Eddie Steigerwald (p. 1)
- "The 1996 Summer Hotel Show" (p. 2)
- "Let's Make it a Great Year" (p. 3)
"Who Framed Lily White?" Lillybill - July 21, 1996
Program for "Who Framed Lily White?" performed by Lily White and Company.
"Poodles, Parking, and Pigskin Preppies" Program for Strawberry High School - 1995
Program for "Poodles, Parking, and Pigskin Preppies" performed by Lily White and Company in 1995. This version was for Strawberry High School.
Lily-Gram - Summer 1995
The Lily-Gram was a newsletter produced by the Lily White & Company for members of the company. Highlights in this issue include:
- "Rehearsals for' A Lily White Christmas IV' " (p. 1)
- "Calender Survey Report" (p. 2)
- "Lily White and Company Two-Year Calendar" (p. 6)
- "At Open Stage, 'A Quite End' Benefits AIDS Hospice" (p. 6)
"A Lily White Christmas 4" Lilybill - December 3, 1995
Program for "A Lily White Christmas 4" performed by Lily White and Company.
Lily White Dance Marathon Meeting Agenda - September 20, 1995
Meeting agenda for the Dance Marathon hosted by Lily White and Company. Includes Lily White and Comapany mission statement, 1995-1997 performance calendar, and agenda notes for the Dance Marathon.
"Poodles, Parking, and Pigskin Preppies" Program for Altland High School - 1995
Program for "Poodles,Parking, and Pigskin Preppies" performed by Lily White and Company. This version was the Altland High School.