Dickinsonian, March 2, 1916

Belles Lettres Society wins Inter-society debate against the Union Philosophical Society. Capt. James Gordon Steese (Class of 1902) spoke to Dickinson students about his experiences during the construction of the Panama Canal. Judge Charles Boone Staples (Class of 1874) also delivered a lecture in which he argued that women should have the right to vote.

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Dickinsonian, February 3, 1916

A visiting evangelist leaves Dickinson after a week’s stay.  The track schedule is completed for this year’s season, as is next year’s football season schedule.  A proposed amendment to the student assembly’s constitution that would have only allowed men to serve was shot down, much to the pleasure of the women on campus.  Six freshmen are convicted of breaking freshmen rules, but the issue of abolishing such rules is tabled.  Dickinson’s faculty redrafts the eligibility rules for student athletes.  
