"Dickinson College 200th Anniversary 1972-1973," by the Evening Sentinel

"Dickinson College 200th Anniversary 1972-1973," by The Evening Sentinel
September 15, 1972

The Carlisle Evening Sentinel publishes this supplement as part of the celebration of Dickinson College's 200th Anniversary. Articles list the scheduled anniversary events and explore how much progress Dickinson has made in 200 years.

Dickinsoniana Periodicals
Time Period

"John and Mary's College" (Spahr Lectures Vol. 2)

"John and Mary's College" (Spahr Lectures Vol. 2)

Publisher: New York: Fleming H. Revell Company

Volume 2 of the Boyd Lee Spahr Lectures in Americana series includes essays from scholars that focus on various aspects of Dickinson College's history.

SC 378.748 D553b
Time Period

"Jacob Tome Scientific Building," by Charles F. Himes

"Jacob Tome Scientific Building," by Charles F. Himes
June 24, 1885
Natural Science Professor Charles F. Himes (Class of 1855) delivers this address at the opening of the Jacob Tome Scientific Building at Dickinson College on June 24, 1885.
MC 2000.1, B251, F11
Time Period

Address after a Vacation by Charles Nisbet

Address after a Vacation by Charles Nisbet
October 1787

President Charles Nisbet delivers this address to students in October after "a short interval of vacation." John Young, a member of the Class of 1788, transcribed the address. Transcript included.

SC Vault Nisbet 37
Time Period

Address after a "Short Vacation" by Charles Nisbet

Address after a “Short Vacation” by Charles Nisbet
November 2, 1789

President Charles Nisbet delivers this address to students on May 13, 1787 after a "short vacation." John Young, a member of the Class of 1788, transcribed the address. Transcript included.

SC Vault Nisbet 37
Time Period

Address after a Vacation by Charles Nisbet

Address after a Vacation by Charles Nisbet
May 13, 1787

President Charles Nisbet delivers this address to students after a "late recess & intermission" on May 13, 1787. John Young, a member of the Class of 1788, transcribed the address. Transcript included.

SC Vault Nisbet 37
Time Period

Address from the Third Commencement by Charles Nisbet

Address from the Third Commencement by Charles Nisbet
June 2, 1789

President Charles Nisbet delivers this address to the third graduating class of Dickinson College at commencement on June 2, 1789. John Young, a member of the Class of 1788, transcribed the address. Transcript included.

SC Vault Nisbet 37
Time Period

Address from the Second Commencement by Charles Nisbet

Address from the Second Commencement by Charles Nisbet
May 7, 1788

President Charles Nisbet delivers this address to the second graduating class of Dickinson College at commencement on May 7, 1788. John Young, a member of the Class of 1788, transcribed the address. Transcript included.

SC Vault Nisbet 37
Time Period