Commencement, 1962
View as students receive their diplomas during Commencement on June 3, 1962.
View as students receive their diplomas during Commencement on June 3, 1962.
View as students receive their diplomas during Commencement on June 3, 1962.
View of President Howard L. Rubendall and Carolyn Rubendall at Matriculation weekend in fall 1962. Religion Professor Samuel Magill is also at the event with his wife.
Professor Henry L. Yeagley and a student use a constellation model in 1963.
Professor Henry L. Yeagley with a class in the Bonisteel Planetarium in 1963. The planetarium was in the Tome Scientific Building.
View of Professor David Burbacker and students reviewing the plans for the future Mathers Theatre in the Holland Union Building. The project would be completed in 1966.
Left to Right: Carole Birch, Burnie Wilcox, Gay Flory, Professor Burbacker
Modern Languages professor Herbert Royce with an independent student group in the winter of 1963.
Pictured l to r: Richard Litvin '67, John McDowell '64, Lewis Oppenheimer '66, James Carl '64, Professor Heber Harper, Professor Herbert Royce, Richard Baldauf '65, John Nichols '65, Norman Coyle '65.
Librarian Charles Sellers working in the library in 1963.
Frank Hartman, Professor of Psychology, on January 9, 1963.
Wade Seaford, professor of Anthropology and Sociology, on January 9, 1963.
Arthur Prinz, professor of Economics, on January 11, 1963.
Dr. Kenneth Sanborn Pitzer receives the Priestley Award on March 14, 1963.
Second from left: Professor Horace Rogers. Third from left: President Howard Rubendall ('31).
Physical Educator and coach Donald Seibert on September 13, 1963.
Political Science professor Robert Nilsson at his desk in 1964.
Professor of German Dieter Rollfinke in June 1964.
A group shot inside of Old West of the honorary degree recipients and their sponsors at Commencement on June 7, 1964.
Seated from left to right: Charles Law McCabe, C.D. Jackson, Marchette Chute, President Howard L. Rubendall, Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., Bishop Newel Snow Booth, and Reverend Leslie Davison. All except President Rubendall ('31) are honorary degree recipients.
Standing from left to right: Professor Horace E. Rogers ('24), Rolland L. Adams, Professor William R. Bowden, Roy R. Kuebler, Jr., Reverend Lester A Welliver, and Glenn E. Todd.
Political Science professor Bruce Andrews.
View as Mathematics professor Lee W. Baric smokes his pipe around 1965.
Spanish Professor Mac Eugene Barrick is a member of the Class of 1955.
Image of Whitfield Jenks Bell, Jr. (class of 1935), taken around 1965.
Professor Henry Yeagley with students at the Bonisteel Observatory on the roof of Althouse Hall around 1965.
Professor Henry Yeagley points at the Bonisteel Observatory's retractable roof. This observatory was on the roof of Althouse Hall in 1965.
Professor of Public Speaking John Broujos.
English professor Bettie Ann Doebler, sporting a Roman-esque costume, challenges a togaed man.