Dickinsonian, May 6, 1967

James Shepley, chairman of Ford Foundation Challenge Program, announces $500,000 donation to college from Louis Tuvin (Class of '10). Ford Challenge Campaign succeeds in gaining pledges. Faculty acts on pass-fail, planning to enact system in the fall. Prof. William Cage comments on the college's obedience to Epstean's Law. IFC to crown first queen. Bust of Roger Taney to be presented in Law Day celebrations. College conflicts with Allison Methodist Church members. Committee on Peace meets and formulates policies.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 28, 1967

Brothers Four comment on concert: crowd was "rowdy and rude." Mermaid Players to perform "vulgar comedy" "Light up the Sky". Student Senate halts Committee of Thirteen while passing social regulatory system. Senate proposes shorter fraternity rush. Carol Baker named Miss WHYL of Carlisle. Dean Barbara Wishmeyer and WDCV manager Steve Myers receive Raven's Claw award. Mrs. Lloyd Gamble Cole donates Asian art to college. Prof. Frederick Ferre comments on "The Experimental College." Band member threatens Phi Kappa Psi brothers.


Dickinsonian, April 21, 1967

Student Affairs Committee reconsiders rush plan. The reconsideration leads to plan's approval. The Brothers Four headline Spring Weekend festivities. "Open Door" to occupy site in unused Union Basement. Humanities Fund donations total nearly $4000. Prof. Vytautas Kavolis' book "The Social Structure of Artistic Expression" due next year. Joseph Duffy to speak in chapel. "Collages" magazine staff to disband due to lack of support. Dr. Francis Warlow takes two-year position in Washington, D.C.

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Dickinsonian, April 7, 1967

Varsity basketball coach Ed Ashnault to leave Dickinson for position at Colgate University. Student survey reveals approval of "Jan Plan", pass-fail courses, and a reduction in the number of distribution requirements. Rev. Gregory Baum to conclude College Lecture Series. Faculty to act on pass-fail proposal. Also to be considered is the elimination of the distribution requirement . Academic Programs Committee studies possibility of Jan Plan. Yale Prof. Vincent Scully to speak on architecture.


Dickinsonian, March 23, 1967

The duties and plans of new chaplain Paul Kaylor are discussed. Next year's cultural affairs presentations are announced and include The Dave Brubeck Jazz Quartet and Odetta. President Rubendall announces a "redefinition" of Dean of Student duties for forthcoming position-holder Prof. Harold Gillespie.


Dickinsonian, March 17, 1967

Prof. Harold Gillespie accepts Dean of Students position. College collects million dollars toward drive to match Ford Challenge grant. Three students - John Exdell, Al Kliner, and Ed Phillips - receive the Woodrow Wilson Scholarship. Stew Glenn analyzes recent student demonstrations and reviews proposal for voting privileges. Women's Interdormitory Council passes changes concerning women's residences. Lack of parking space noted. Faculty rules out new fraternities. Bologna students examine Italian culture. "Ultramodern" library construction proceeds on schedule.


Dickinsonian, October 16, 1964

Homecoming plans are announced, including a jazz concert. A public affairs symposium is planned for the spring, with the forum topic of "The Urbanization of the Country." A jazz mass is planned in the union's theater. The Mermaid Players will present "Our Town." Dr. Vytautas Kavolis is appointed to chair department of sociology and anthropology. A Classical Hebrew class is announced. Twelve transfer students are interviewed and have found happiness at Dickinson. Mr.
