Paul Burtner Jr., c.1980
Clair Paul Burtner Jr. is a member of the Class of 1940.
Clair Paul Burtner Jr. is a member of the Class of 1940.
Biology professor Diane Calabrese fishes something out of a tank in her laboratory.
Robert Cavenagh, Jr., Professor of Fine Arts and Director of Instructional Media, circa 1980.
A student cellist receives a note from a teacher during a performance around 1980.
Members of a ceramics class shape and fire pottery around 1980.
The 1980-1981 Chamber Choir in 1980.
Back Row: Joan Ragno, Peggy Dozois, David Alterman, William Fisher.
Mid Cluster: Gregory Weaver, Beth Stoll, Linda Akers, [Mindy Braden?], Beth Stoll, Sue Polley.
Long Row: Professor Truman Bullard, Jonathan Simmons, Sandra Steiner, Dorene Wenseman, Kevin Smith, Christopher Albrecht, Joseph Raduazzo, Roger Swartzwelder, Barbara Dobbs, Rebecca Martin, Cathy Schwab.
Front row kneeling: Charles Beckley, Kevin Johnson, James Bobb.
Tien-His Cheng is a member of the Class of 1937.
The Class of 1935 Gateway to the Alumni Gymnasium during the winter around 1980. This gateway, which is located on W. High Street, is directly opposite to the Class of 1902 Gateway.
A computer science professor teaches a class around 1980.
Two students operate a computer for their computer science class around 1980.
Psychology professor Stephen Coslett smoking his pipe with book in hand.
Patrick Cummings, Professor of Military Science.
Gary D'Lamater, Professor of Education, laughs in his office.
Education professor Gary D'Lamater, circa 1980.
View of the library in Dana Hall around 1980.
View of the advanced synthesis laboratory in Dana Hall around 1980.
Robert L. Davidson, a member of the Class of 1931, at an alumni reunion around 1980.
Sylvie Davidson, Professor of Romance Languages speaking in class, circa 1980.
Members of Delta Nu play football around 1980.
View as two students chat and laugh while working on homework in a dorm room in Morgan Hall around 1980.
Right: Jennifer Smith ('84)
View as three students chat and laugh while working on homework in a dorm room in Morgan Hall around 1980.
Left: Jennifer Smith ('84)
Standing: Zoi Inglessis ('84)
View as a student studies in his dorm room in Morgan Hall around 1980. Three optical illusion are hanging on the wall of his room.