Harry Booth, Professor of Religion, shares a light moment with students, around 1975.
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Harry Booth, Professor of Religion, shares a light moment with students, around 1975.
View of a class in the Learning Center, located in Bosler Hall.
See the November 6, 1970 issue of the Dickinsonian for more information.
Judith Louise Bostock '63 receives an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters Degree at the Commencement ceremony on May 14, 2000.
At left, Betsy K. Emerick, Dean of Educational Services and Associate Professor of English, assists. At right, President William Durden speaks.
Professor William Bowden of the English department, on left, speaks with students, circa 1975.
Librarian Dorothy Bowers speaks with students in Spahr Library around 1970.
Professor Donald Bowie teaches an English class in room 317 of Denny in 1984.
Robert Boyle, Professor of Physics, standing, points something out to students in class.
Professor of Physics Robert Doyle enjoys skiing across campus after a snowfall in February 1986.
Music Professor Truman Bullard directs the Brass Ensemble during Commencement on May 17, 1998.
Education professor John Brougher helps move books to the new library at Shippensburg University in July 1965.
Professor of Dramatic Arts and Modern Dance David Brubaker speaks with Rebecca Frederick, Class of 1984.
Josephine Brunyate Meredith, English Professor and Dean of Women, is a member of the Class of 1901.