Dickinsonian, November 15, 1911
Football defeats Gettysburg 11-0. YMCA holds Week of Prayer.
Football defeats Gettysburg 11-0. YMCA holds Week of Prayer.
Students are encouraged to spend more time in studying the Bible. The previous week was designated as the “Week of Prayer” by the Y. M. C. A.. It is reported that Lehigh’s poor football management skills lead them to cancel their game with Dickinson. The Phi Alpha Pi Sorority is started by a group of women on the campus. The school adds a chapel choir to sing during chapel services at the college. The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity holds its annual banquet in honor of its new members.
Dickinson holds a week of prayer. Elias Day performs at that Carlisle opera house. Comments on Dickinson's attempts to arrange baseball games with the Carlisle Indian School and a critique of the Indian's manager. Sigma Chi holds a convention.
Annual Y. M. C. A. convention for the district was held in Mechanicsburg. The Y. M. C. A. holds an annual week of prayer. Comments of student voting.
Special week of prayer for the Y. M. C. A.. First Lutheran church dedicatory services. Trip to the Luray cavern. Comus Club dance.
The basketball team wins in a game against Gettysburg. A German exchange student states his opinions of the college. Dr. Phillips Packer Elliott is to lead the Dickinson Week of Prayer. Five members of the faculty play in a basketball game. Omicron Delta Kappa presents a plan to form a new central Student Senate to take on the duties of the current senate. The Women’s Glee club will perform for the American Association of University Women. The Dickinson P.A.C.S. cabinet reports its student appointees, and supports a petition for student absentee voting in Pennsylvania elections.
The Dickinson Players presented the play “Death Takes a Holiday” in the Carlisle High School Auditorium. Rev. Phillips Packer Elliot will be the Week-of-Prayer speaker at the chapel exercises. A history of the Doll Show is reported. The Greek Club presents a program on Greek music. The College will observe the first week back after vacation as a Week-of-Prayer. The students produce a new student publication called The Dickinson Devil. The Debate Squad begins their season with the Debate Forum at Juniata. Dickinson eliminates the ice hockey team.
Hugh MacCotter elected president of Freshman class. Annual Soph Hop planned. Week of Prayer is held. Freshman football defeats Gettysburg.