Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “SAS: Sisters and Songwriters” Program - November 18, 2006

Number of Pages
November 18, 2006

Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.” This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' fall 2006 concert "SAS: Singers and Songwriters," a celebration of female singer-songwriters held at the Colonial Park United Church of Christ in Harrisburg on November 18th. The concert featured special guests Janie Womack and Bobbi Carmitchell and received support from the Jump Street/Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts program of the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.

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Gift of Mary Nancarrow
LGBT-102 The Central PA Womyn’s Chorus Collection

Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “Women Spirit” Program - May 6, 2006

Number of Pages
May 6, 2006
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.” This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' spring 2006 concert "Woman Spirit," a celebration of women, music, and spirituality held at the Unity Church in Enola on May 6th. A post-concert reception was hosted by women of Unity Church.
General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Mary Nancarrow
LGBT-102 The Central PA Womyn’s Chorus Collection

Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “All that Jazz!” Program - November 12, 2005

Number of Pages
November 12, 2005
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.” This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' fall 2005 concert "All that Jazz!," performed at the Colonial Park United Church of Christ in Harrisburg on November 12th. Following the concert, the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence hosted a reception.
General Subjects
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Gift of Mary Nancarrow
LGBT-102 The Central PA Womyn’s Chorus Collection

Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “Voices of Women” Program - April 23 & May 14, 2005

Number of Pages
April 23 and May 14, 2005
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.” This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' spring 2005 concert "Voices of Women," a performance which celebrated the songs of women musicians from around the world. The concerts featured special guest Dr. Lynn Gumert and were held on April 23th at the Lancaster Unitarian Universalist Church in Lancaster, at the invitation of the Interweave group, and May 14th at the Harrisburg Unitarian Universalist Church in Harrisburg. Post-concert receptions were hosted by the Interweave group in Lancaster and the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence in Harrisburg.
General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Mary Nancarrow
LGBT-102 The Central PA Womyn’s Chorus Collection

Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “Welcome to the Reunion” Program - December 4, 2004

Number of Pages
December 4, 2004
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.” This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' fall 2004 concert "Welcome to the Reunion," performed at Unity Church in Enola on December 4th. This concert celebrated the group's 10th anniversary. The Harrisburg Men's Chorus organized a reception which occurred following the concert.
General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Mary Nancarrow
LGBT-102 The Central PA Womyn’s Chorus Collection

Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “With Love from Us to You” Program - February 14 & March 27, 2004

Number of Pages
February 14 and March 27, 2004
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.” This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' winter 2004 concert "With Love from Us to You," performed on February 14th at Faith United Church of Christ in New Cumberland and March 27th at Lancaster Theological Seminary in Lancaster.
General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Mary Nancarrow
LGBT-102 The Central PA Womyn’s Chorus Collection

Central PA Womyn’s Chorus Spring Concert “Singing for Our Lives” Program - April 27 & May 4, 2002

Number of Pages
April 27 and May 4, 2002
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.” This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' spring 2002 concert "Singing for Our Lives!," held at Harrisburg Unitarian Church on April 27 and York Unitarian Church on May 4 in honor of women and families impacted by breast cancer. The concert featured the Central PA debut performance of "Where I Live," a breast cancer oratorio by Diane Benjamin. The concert benefited the PA Breast Cancer Coalition and the Mautner Project, an organization which supports lesbians battling cancer. A reception after the concert featured "Words & Images of Healing," a display from the Expressive Arts Center in Mechanicsburg featuring artwork from nine women impacted by cancer.
General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Mary Nancarrow
LGBT-102 The Central PA Womyn’s Chorus Collection

LGBT History Project: LGBT-102 Central PA Womyn's Chorus Collection

Number of Pages

The Central PA Womyn’s Chorus is an all-women’s chorus group that performs concerts throughout the Central Pennsylvania region. Founded in 1994, the chorus made its debut at the Pride Festival of Central PA in Harrisburg. The chorus continues to perform concerts throughout the area which raise awareness about feminist and LGBTQ+ issues.

This collection contains eight series: Concert Programs; Concert Flyers; General Publicity; Gala Choruses VIIE Festival International, Montreal, Canada 2004; Articles; Miscellaneous; Posters; and Artifacts.

Concert Programs features an assortment of programs from the chorus group’s concerts between 1998 and 2022. Concert Flyers includes a series of flyers promoting the chorus group’s concerts between 2014 and 2019. General Publicity includes inserts, a postcard, and a membership brochure to raise awareness about the chorus group. The Gala Choruses VIIE Festival International, Montreal, Canada 2004 includes a booklet and a program from the festival at which the group performed. Articles features news stories documenting the work of the chorus group in the community. Miscellaneous includes music lyrics, notes, and a music catalog used by members of the chorus group. Posters features an assortment of the chorus group’s promotional concert posters. Artifacts include a chorus group polo shirt and t-shirt.

General Subjects
Gift of Mary Nancarrow
LGBT-102 Central PA Womyn's Chorus Collection

Central PA Pride Festival Program, 1993 - July 17, 1993

Number of Pages
July 17, 1993

The Pride Festival of Central PA is an annual event celebrating the LGBTQ+ community in the Central Pennsylvania region. Founded in 1992, the festival takes place every year on the last Saturday of July in the city of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Each July, approximately 5,000 individuals travel to downtown Harrisburg and attend the Pride Festival. It is the largest Pride celebration between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.

This is the program for the second Pride Festival of Central PA. 

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Gift of Barry Loveland
LGBT-014 Barry Loveland Collection

Mary Nancarrow at the First Community Recognition Banquet - circa 1992

circa 1992

Mary Nancarrow at the First Community Recognition Banquet hosted at Miss Garbo's Tea Room in Carlisle, PA.

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Gift of Dan Miller
LGBT-007 Dan Miller Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - October 20, 1979

Number of Pages
October 20, 1979

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes from the October 20, 1979 meeting. Minutes include: 

  • Update on the ALleghany Voluntary Deviate Intercourse Case
  • Department of Welfare Update
  • Department of Aging
  • General Annoucements
  • "Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia" written presentation
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - September 10, 1979

Number of Pages
September 10, 1979

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

  • Update on the Voluntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse Statute
  • Update on Aging and Speaker's Bureau
  • Update on Alcoholism
  • Department of Welfare (DPW) Proposed Task Force 
  • Pride '79
  • General Announcements
  • Update on Workgroups
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - April 27, 1979

Number of Pages
April 27, 1979

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes from the April 17, 1979 meeting. Minutes include

  • Update on attendance policy
  • Status of the Council
  • Update on Alcoholism
  • Update on Advisory Council presentation to the US Civil Rights Commission
  • Update on conference on LGBTQ+ Prisoner Sexual Assault
  • Pride '79 planning
  • Update on Speaker's Bureau
  • Council Membership
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - January 31, 1979

Number of Pages
January 31, 1979

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes from the January 31, 1979 meeting. Minutes include:

  • Council Direction over the next four years
  • Announcements
  • Update on the Commonwealth Student Association
  • Update on Media outlets to support the council
  • Update on Alcoholism
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - April 12, 1978

Number of Pages
April 12, 1978

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes for the April 12, 1978 meeting. Minutes include: 

  • The future direction of projects undertaken by the council
  • General annoucements
  • Update on the Speaker's Bureau
  • Health Committe Report
  • Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) update
  • Employment and Education Committees Reports 
  • Pride 78 update
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Agenda and Minutes - September 1978

Number of Pages
September 1978

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This was the agenda and minutes for a September 1978 meeting. The meeting included:

  • announcements
  • an update on the Gay State-wide Support Network
  • updates on Affirmative Action training
  • training in the State Police Academy on sexual minorities issues
  • disucssion about the Prison Rape Project
  • discussion on how the council can support education on Gay Alcoholism
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

LGBT Oral History 084A: Mary Nancarrow

Number of Pages
October 9, 2013

Born in 1951, Mary Nancarrow grew up in the Harrisburg area, and from a young age, she has been involved in the movements for LGBT and women’s rights, especially for Central Pennsylvania. She has worked extensively with NOW, serving as the president for Pennsylvania NOW in 1984 and 1985. As part of this involvement, she helped to plan the first march on Washington for LGBT rights, which was eventually held in 1987. Additionally, she was one of the founders of the Pennsylvania Rural Gay Caucus, and she was also very involved in the drafting and passing of the Harrisburg Human Relations Ordinance, ensuring that the legislation provided protection against discrimination for LGBT people. She recently retired from the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission after over 20 years. In this interview, she discusses what it was like to be gay in the ’70s, ’80s, and ‘90s, particularly in the Central Pennsylvania area, recalling discrimination she and others faced during that time period, her struggles with coming out to her parents, notable events of the era and her personal reaction to them, and her dedication to LGBT and women’s rights and its role in her life.

Time Period
Gift of Mary Nancarrow
LGBT Oral History - Nancarrow, Mary - 084A

PA Rural Gay Caucus Minutes - March 1977

Number of Pages
March 1977

The Pennsylvania Rural Gay Caucus was “an association of interested individuals and groups, formed with the objective of promulgating the concerns and freedoms of gay people and all sexual minorities."

In these minutes general information is shared, along with planning of Gay Lobby Day, concerns over the Helath Concerns Committe, and information surrounding Anita Bryant's ''Save Our Children'' campaign. 

Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

PA Rural Gay Caucus Minutes - December 1976

Number of Pages
December 1976

The Pennsylvania Rural Gay Caucus was “an association of interested individuals and groups, formed with the objective of promulgating the concerns and freedoms of gay people and all sexual minorities.”

In these minutes, general minutes are reports as well as reports from the Legislative, Communication, and Education committees. 

Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Pride '80 Program - October 3 - 5, 1980

Number of Pages
October 3 - 5, 1980

Program for Pride '80, a statewide gay rights conference. 

General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Pride '78 Program - April 7 - 9, 1978

Number of Pages
April 7 - 9. 1978

Program for Pride '78, a statewide gay rights conference. The program also explains the "Dark Side" of planning Pride '78, specifically the controversy with the Americus Hotel in Allentown, PA. 

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Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Here's How (Williamsport, PA) - November 1979

Number of Pages
November 1979

Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.

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Time Period
Gift of Dan Maneval
LGBT-008 Dan Maneval Collection

LGBT Oral History 084B: Mary Nancarrow

Number of Pages
February 24, 2015

Mary Nancarrow grew up in a suburb of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania in the 1950s and 1960s with divorced parents and two siblings. After graduating from Shippensburg University, she became prominent in the women’s movement and the LGBT movement in Central Pennsylvania, serving on the Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorities and the Rural Gay Caucus. Mary was also heavily involved in the National Organization for Women [NOW] and was elected NOW Pennsylvania President, working to pass marital rape legislation, funding and campaigning for political races, and fundraising money for the NOW PAC. After her presidency, she helped to plan the National March for LGBT Rights in Washington D.C. and volunteered for the Harrisburg Gay and Lesbian Switchboard. Today, Mary lives in Harrisburg and sings in the Women’s Chorus. In this interview, Mary discusses her childhood and early relationship to religion as well as her involvement with the anti-Vietnam War movement throughout high school and college. She also describes her contributions to Shippensburg Gays United, feminism within the gay rights movement, and the experience of coming out to her parents and friends. Mary concludes the interview by acknowledging the incredible extent to which the LGBT community has changed over her lifetime and expresses her hope to see ongoing growth in civil rights in the future.

Time Period
Gift of Mary Nancarrow
LGBT Oral History - Nancarrow, Mary - 084B

PA Rural Gay Caucus Letter from the Editor - October 1976

Number of Pages
October 1976

The Pennsylvania Rural Gay Caucus was “an association of interested individuals and groups, formed with the objective of promulgating the concerns and freedoms of gay people and all sexual minorities.”

In this letter, Joseph Burns tells members of the departure of Lehigh Valley Homophile Organization (Le-Hi-Ho) from the group due to division among the group. He also goes on to talk about the protentional for growth and change within the caucus, starting with the next meeting, where they will decide if the caucus stays an organization or dissolves.

Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection