Daniel R. Bechtel, c.1975
Daniel Bechtel, Professor of Religion, leaning against the flag pole, holds class in the academic quad, circa 1975.
Daniel Bechtel, Professor of Religion, leaning against the flag pole, holds class in the academic quad, circa 1975.
A student performs an experiment on a mouse in a biology lab around 1975.
Two students study lifting technique in a dance class in 1975.
An environmental studies class observes bankside pollution on a field trip in 1975.
Students in Professor William Vernon's mineralogy class observe different types of minerals using microscopes.
Professor Clarke Garrett (in rocker) conducts his history class around 1975.
Professor Dennis Klinge' s history class on World War I digs a trench in 1977.
Professor Henry Wade Seaford leads an anthropology class in a discussion around 1980.
Kathleen Barber, tennis coach and Professor of Physical Education, with students in the gym around 1980.
View as Math Professor Lee Wilmer Baric (Class of 1956) points at the blackboard during a class.
German and Russian professor Marianna Bogojavlensky teaches with a smile.
Members of a ceramics class shape and fire pottery around 1980.
A computer science professor teaches a class around 1980.
Two students operate a computer for their computer science class around 1980.
A dance class in progress in the recently completed Weiss Dance Studio in the Kline Center.
Professor of English Candadai K. Tirumalai standing and lecturing before a class.
Biology professor Paul Biebel explains a concept to students while Philip Conrad '85, standing behind, looks on.
Professor of Geology Henry Hanson helping Andy Lieberman in an optical mineralogy lab in 1981.
Susan Nichols, Professor of Fine Arts and Associate Dean of the College giving guidance during an art class in 1981.
Philosohpy professor Cyril Dwiggins holds class outside on a March day in 1981.
Students in a class held in the May Morris Room in May 1981. College Archivist Martha Slotten and Professor of Music Truman C. Bullard are standing under the portrait. The May Morris Room serves as the reading room for the and is located in the Boyd Lee Spahr Library
Political Science professor Gene Hickok teaching a Freshman seminar in 1981.
Glover Award recipient Dr. Jearl Glover, a Physics Professor at Cleveland State University, has a student assist him in a demonstration in a physics class in November 1981.
Biology students perform an experiment on each other's nerve impulses in 1982.
Students participate in the Slimnastics class that was offered in the Kline during the 1982-1983 academic year.