Dickinsonian, April 14, 1932

"D" Banquet held; new rules of football league are presented. Men's Senate resolves to increase freshman rules. Annual prayer week begins. President Karl T. Waugh creates teacher placement bureau to assist Dickinson alumni and undergraduates in finding teaching positions.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1932

Worst men's basketball season in history ends with a defeat over Gettysburg. Grippe epidemic. Faculty obliges Women's Student Government Association's petition for explanation of demerit system. Men's Senate creates resolutions concerning the demerit system.


Dickinsonian, May 23, 1929

Sophomore George R. Conners publishes a booklet of verse entitled "Poems of a Shut-In", written by his prominent father during a long period of illness.  John Biddle is unanimously chosen as the president of the Men's Senate.  Various class reunions are planned for Alumni Day.  Preparations continue for the 146th Annual Commencement, including an address by Kentucky Senator Alben William Barkley.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 22, 1928

The Men's Senate condemns the scheduling of ten games in the upcoming 1929 football season, claiming that games begin prematurely and that they are too condensed.  The Belles Lettres Society hosts an art contest for original pieces with a $10 prize.  Dr. George Kartzke, Minister of Education in Berlin, lectures on the intellectual freedom within the German education system and youth movements.  German World War I Naval Commander Count Felix von Luckner, nicknamed 'Sea Devil', to give lecture.


Dickinsonian, November 15, 1928

Dickinson College observes Armistice Day with a program in the Chapel.  Professor Mohler prepares a demonstration of the effects of liquid air on plants and animals.  The Men's Senate requires that all students wishing to attend the upcoming football game take part in the parade to Biddle Field.  The Alumni makes their plans of holding the Homecoming football game and ceremonies in Carlisle in the following year are made known.
