Chamber Choir, 1970

The Dickinson College Chamber Choir  after their spring concert in 1970.

Standing: Nancy Johnson, Mark Weir, C. Lu Conser, David Llewellyn, Barbara West, Joseph Sobel, Mary Somerville, Richard  Kittel, Thomas James, Penny Gilmour, John Miller, John Cotter.

Kneeling: David Short, Vicki Stuart, Rodney Keefer, Carolyn Kruse, Henry Alexander, Sara Bunce, Professor Truman Bullard (Director), Oden Warman, Anya Treash, John Morse, Linda Uhler.

Photograph Archives
Groups and Organizations
Academic Discipline

Raven's Claw tapping, 1970

Raven's Claw members at the tapping ceremony in 1970 outside Old West. Members of the class of 1970 are standing on the steps.

Recently initiated members of the class of 1971 stand below: Joe Wilson, Pete Peters, Al Gesser, Alden Peck, Brian McCauley, Jim Bushlby, and Harvey Block

Photograph Archives
Groups and Organizations

Mermaid Players, "Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man," 1970

Three actors perform in the Mermaid Player's production of Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man in October and November 1970.

Left to Right: Vince Peterson ('72) ; Frances Conroy ('74) ; Victoria Rooch ('72)

Photograph Archives
Events and Activities
Groups and Organizations
Academic Discipline

Football Team, 1971

The 1971 Dickinson College Red Devil Football Team poses for a photograph.

First row: Robert Jackson, James Slobozien, Craig Walter, William Stambaugh, Glenn Boye, Edward Dana, Donald Caccia, Methesulah Bradley, George F. "Nick" Boyer

Second row: Albert Heusner, Mark Lipstein, Michael Hawke, Robert Crobak, Robert Stewart, David Hamilton, Braxton Cross, Donald Rose, David Haag

Third row: Thomas Beck, Charles Coslett, Eugene Sienkiewicz, Peter Moyes, John Colburn, Jeffrey Truskey, Gary Prowe, Jan "Jay" Bellias, Brian Bissey

Fourth row: Kurt Williams, Herman Wisdom, James Jobson, Gary Williams, Wasyl Bojczuk, James Newcomer, William Thomas, Joseph Digney

Fifth row: Steven Shisler, Robert Weinreb, Christopher Fleming, Mark Holencik, Gerald Urich, Douglas Wolf (Student Trainer), Louis Bowman (Student Trainer), Steven Aldinger (Student Trainer)

Six row: Wilbur J. Gobrecht (Head Coach), John Schrock (Off. Line), Dean Rossi (Off. Back), Bob Rice (Def. Line), Tom Yost (Def. Back), Bruce Vogelsong (Athletic Trainer)

Photograph Archives

Men's Basketball Team, 1971

The 1971 men's basketball team takes a team photograph.

Kneeling: Lloyd Bonner ; Dave Rahauser ; Henry Traylor ; Assistant Coach Paul Anderson ; Head Coach Dave Watkins ; Frosh Coach John Connor ; Dick Barnoski ; Paul Schreiber ; Frank Noonan

Standing: Student Trainer Rob Evans ; Equipment Manager Harold Shaw ; Guy Brunt ; Jeff Thompson ; Al Vican ; Bob Shapiro ; Franz Adler ; Nick Boyer ; John Pearson ; George Frank ; John Whitman ; Manager Mark Caplan

Photograph Archives