Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “Babes on Broadway” Program - June 4, 2011
Central PA Womyn’ Chorus “Driven Women: Women Through The Years” Program - January 9, 2011
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “An American Quilt” Program - May 22, 2010
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.”
This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' spring 2010 concert "An American Quilt," performed at the Labyrinth Cafe at Unity Church in Enola on May 22nd.
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “A Winter’s Walk” Program - December 5, 2009
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.”
This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' winter 2009 concert "A Winter's Walk," performed on December 5th at the Unity Church of Harrisburg in Enola.
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “Healing Song” Program - June 5 & 7, 2009
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “God Bless This Family: A Christmas Concert” Program - December 13 & 14, 2008
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.” This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' fall 2008 concert "God Bless This Family: A Christmas Concert," performed on December 13th at Lakeside Lutheran Church in Harrisburg and on December 14th at Holy Trinity Lutheran in York Springs.
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “Cover the World with Love” Program - June 8, 2008
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “Holy Cow! We Can’t Stop Singing!” Program - November 10, 2007
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.”
This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' fall 2007 concert "Holy Cow! We Can't Stop Singing!," a joint performance with the Harrisburg Men's Chorus and Common Roads held on November 10th at the Rose Lehrman Arts Center of Harrisburg Area Community College. The event received support from the Jump Street/Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts program of the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and from Equity for Gays and Lesbians of the Foundation for Enhancing Communities.
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “Lebanon Area GLBT Groups Collaborative Kickoff” Program - October 25, 2007
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “SAS: Sisters and Songwriters” Program - November 18, 2006
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.” This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' fall 2006 concert "SAS: Singers and Songwriters," a celebration of female singer-songwriters held at the Colonial Park United Church of Christ in Harrisburg on November 18th. The concert featured special guests Janie Womack and Bobbi Carmitchell and received support from the Jump Street/Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts program of the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “Women Spirit” Program - May 6, 2006
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “All that Jazz!” Program - November 12, 2005
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “Voices of Women” Program - April 23 & May 14, 2005
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “Welcome to the Reunion” Program - December 4, 2004
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “With Love from Us to You” Program - February 14 & March 27, 2004
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus Fall Concert “Wild Women...Just Get Better!” Program - December 1, 2001
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.”
This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' fall 2001 concert "Wild Women...Just Get Better!" at the Harrisburg Unitarian Church. A portion of the concert's proceeds supported the Revolutionary Association of the Women in Afghanistan (RAWA), an organization which advocates for the human rights of women in Afghanistan.
Central Pa Womyn’s Chorus “This Land is Our Land!” Program - June 9, 2001
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.”
This event program is from the Central PA Womyn's Chorus' June 2001 concert "This Land is Our Land!" at the Harrisburg Unitarian Church. This performance was the group's first full length concert in over a year and a half, and featured special guests the Harrisburg Men's Chorus.
Central PA Womyn’s Chorus Presents “How Can I Keep From Singing?” Program - November 12, 1999
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.”
This is a program from the Central PA Womyn Chorus' fall 1999 concert "How Can I Keep from Singing?" at the Harrisburg Unitarian Church. The Harrisburg Men's Chorus hosted a reception after the concert.
The Harrisburg Men’s Chorus Presents “Boys and Girls with Stories” with Special Guests The Central Pennsylvania’s Womyn’s Chorus Program - May 16, 1998
Founded in 1994, the Central PA Womyn’s Chorus “brings together a diverse group of women, united by the joy of singing, to celebrate and empower women and to affirm a positive image of lesbians and feminists.”
This is a program from the Harrisburg Men's Chorus' spring 1998 performance "Boys and Girls with Stories" featuring special guests the Central PA Womyn's Chorus.
LGBT History Project: LGBT-102 Central PA Womyn's Chorus Collection
The Central PA Womyn’s Chorus is an all-women’s chorus group that performs concerts throughout the Central Pennsylvania region. Founded in 1994, the chorus made its debut at the Pride Festival of Central PA in Harrisburg. The chorus continues to perform concerts throughout the area which raise awareness about feminist and LGBTQ+ issues.
This collection contains eight series: Concert Programs; Concert Flyers; General Publicity; Gala Choruses VIIE Festival International, Montreal, Canada 2004; Articles; Miscellaneous; Posters; and Artifacts.
Concert Programs features an assortment of programs from the chorus group’s concerts between 1998 and 2022. Concert Flyers includes a series of flyers promoting the chorus group’s concerts between 2014 and 2019. General Publicity includes inserts, a postcard, and a membership brochure to raise awareness about the chorus group. The Gala Choruses VIIE Festival International, Montreal, Canada 2004 includes a booklet and a program from the festival at which the group performed. Articles features news stories documenting the work of the chorus group in the community. Miscellaneous includes music lyrics, notes, and a music catalog used by members of the chorus group. Posters features an assortment of the chorus group’s promotional concert posters. Artifacts include a chorus group polo shirt and t-shirt.