Dickinsonian, September 22, 1950

Dickinsonian, September 22, 1950

Dr. A Victor Murray, President of Chesnut College, Cambridge, England, receives an honorary degree. Tom Carey elected as the Editor-in-Chief of the Microcosm. Professor J. Clair McCullough named the new Dean of the College. The total number of credit hours required to graduate is reduced from 128 to 124 hours. Dickinson hires a new football coach, Frank R. Maze. Profile on student athlete, John Mathewson.


Dickinsonian, June 10, 1955

Dickinsonian, June 10, 1955

Sixteen Dickinson seniors will be commissioned as second lieutenants in the United States Army Reserves. Eight honorary diplomas will be awarded at graduation, three of whom are Dickinson graduates from previous years. The Cultural Affairs Committee sites a successful year with many speakers and showcases coming to campus over the past months. The 182nd Commencement will be held on Benjamin Rush Campus in two days with a full day of activities planned for both that day and Senior Day, which is today.


Dickinsonian, May 13, 1955

Dickinsonian, May 13, 1955

The psychology department is conducting experiments regarding motivation in rats. Dickinson is one of the only schools in the country to be doing this, making them a pioneer in the field. The Student-Faculty Curriculum Committee determined that the Graduate Record Examination will not be required for Dickinson graduates to take. The committee is looking into the Area Studies Test instead. An exhibit on Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass is now on display in the library. Senior Howard Davis receives a Falk Fellowship to attend Yale Graduate School for political science.


Dickinsonian, May 6, 1955

Dickinsonian, May 6, 1955

Dr. Milton Eddy of the biology department retires at the age of seventy. He is known for his work with identification through hair specimens. Murray Eckell, a junior on the Washington Semester, testifies before the United States Senate's Subcommittee on Charter Review and states his opinions on the United Nations' Charter. The US Marines offer a new program for seniors to learn to be a pilot for the Marine Corps. At a recent faculty meeting it's decided that women's fraternity rushing will be moved to first semester and will happen simultaneously with men's fraternity rushing.


Dickinsonian, April 29, 1955

Dickinsonian, April 29, 1955

The Sociology department adds a new class in group dynamics and a new professor from the field of social work. A meeting of the Faculty-Student Curriculum Committee is held to discuss the possibility of requiring graduating seniors to take the Graduate Record Examination, a test required by many graduate programs for admittance. There is still no consensus as to what should happen, so another meeting will be held in the coming weeks. The Mermaid Players will be putting on Volpone as their final production of the school year.

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Dickinsonian, April 22, 1955

Dickinsonian, April 22, 1955

An honor code will be introduced to new freshmen starting next semester as requested by many students. Methodist churches of the Central Pennsylvania Conference will observe college day, meaning that they will focus on the idea of Christian Education. Students and faculty of Dickinson will go speak at 56 churches on behalf of this event. Dr. William Sloane's book on children's literature has been so widely accepted and praised by critics that it requires a second printing. Dr. Elmer Herber, professor of biology, receives the Darbecker Award from the Pennsylvania Academy of Science.


Drinkinsonian, April 1, 1955

Drinkinsonian, April 1, 1955

The Drinkinsonian, the annual spoof edition of the paper, offers a satirical look at college groups and individuals.

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Dickinsonian, March 25, 1955

Dickinsonian, March 25, 1955

In conjunction with Religion in Life Week, the Mermaid Players are presenting a mortality play called "Everyman." There will be a trip for political science students to Washington DC. The French Club will be taking a trip to Philadelphia to see an opera; all interested parties are invited. President Edel is meeting with national leaders to discuss and learn about U.S. global strategy. Phi Mu and Sigma Chi are playing each other in a basketball game to raise money for the new Student Activity Center.


Dickinsonian, March 18, 1955

Dickinsonian, March 18, 1955

George Shuman will be serving on a committee that will evaluate Finch University in New York and determine whether it is a credible institution. He describes this as being an honor to both himself and Dickinson. Students have the opportunity to study in Spain, Iran or Italy with new fellowships available through their universities. An announcement is made that room and board for men living in dormitories will be raised to a price more similar to ones of comparable institutions. ROTC is holding an open house in the gymnasium to show what the organization does.

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Dickinsonian, March 11, 1955

Dickinsonian, March 11, 1955

"Bachelors Bend," a production by the Dickinson Follies opens tonight at the Carlisle High School auditorium. The Alumni Committee and the Faculty Fraternity Relations Committee are meeting to discuss potential changes to the fraternity system at Dickinson. A computing laboratory is being opened in South College to be used for accounting and statistical work in all departments and generally by faculty and students. Four faculty members resign: Chace Davis, Jerry Stevenson, Roy Kuebler, and HG Kenagy.

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