Dickinsonian, February 22, 1979

In this edition, a massive food fight in the dining hall resulted in a $679.09 bill to shampoo and clean the damaged rugs. The Student Senate elections resulted in Avery Leslie winning Senate President, and the students voted to keep the cafeteria closed to commuting students. President Sam Banks inducted into the athletic Hall of Fame Joseph J. Myers for basketball and football, Reno F. DiOrio for football, and G. Raymond Weaver for basketball and baseball. Bill Boucher and Mark Hash won third and fourth place respectively at the Penn State Invitational Ski Tournament.


Dickinsonian, February 15, 1979

Professor Neil B. Weissman, assistant professor of history, has now become the new pre-law advisor. An all-College referendum has been called upon by Student Senate to let the students decide whether or not to keep the closed cafeteria policy. Candidates for the Student Senate elections are featured. Ice Hockey continues to do well during their season.


Dickinsonian, February 23, 1978

A low voter turnout for the Student Senate elections leaves George Joseph, Kathy Tighe and Avery Leslie victorious. The Russian flu epidemic hits the College campus, leaving 750 students experiencing flu-like symptoms. A resolution passed, calling for faculty members to eat with students in the cafeteria. The first Student Art Show is displayed in the Holland Union Building side rooms. The future of the Hockey Club looks bleak due to financial woes. Students call for a new College gymnasium.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 1978

This issue features an article on an increase of cocaine use in the United States. "The Dickinsonian" had released a survey on cocaine in the previous edition and received minimal results back, stating that out of the responses all except two had at least tried cocaine once. Female enrollment at colleges nationwide increases, and can be seen at Dickinson with 308 freshmen women enrolled compared to 240 men. Sorority rushees have also increased, causing discussion for the creation of a fourth sorority. Student Senate candidates are featured in an article.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 9, 1978

In this edition nominations for Student Senate president, vice-president and treasurer are being circulated. A vegetarian meal plan is now offered to any student and the Food Committee is currently testing new products to placate the students' disapproval with cafeteria foods. Students continue to protest against labor law violations by the J. P. Stevens and Co. textiles. There is an increase in fraternity pledges of about 10% from last year. Two College marathoners, Steve Braun and Howard Figler, both participated in the New York Marathon.


Dickinsonian, February 2, 1968

The Public Affairs Symposium is bringing in four television professionals for February 4-7. The Magnificent Men are set to perform a concert to commemorate the end of rush season. An announcement for nomination for student senate is included. Representatives from the college study the curriculum of Beloit College. The Cultural Affairs Committee will sponsor a concert with opera, rock, and choral music. William Bloodgood, comptroller of the college, promises greater economy with better quality of service for the school.
