Dickinsonian, November 10, 1994

Dickinsonian, November 10, 1994

"Take Back the Night" event, part of Rape Awareness Week, is in its fifth year, sponsored by the Women's Center. A self-defense martial arts class also is being offered to the campus and as part of a women's self-defense program. Students voted on a name for the new social space, the Depot. The College reviews the possibility of having a merit-based financial aid program. The football team wins over Gettysburg and won back the Old Oak Bucket.


Dickinsonian, November 3, 1994

Dickinsonian, November 3, 1994

The Multicultural Fair Week is in its fourth year and continues to bring awareness to the Dickinson community. The Spahr Library has plans for new additions to be built to create more space for the ever increasing volumes of books. The Library also looks to improve the Inter-Library Loan system and create a computerized circulation system. Lewis Czedrick was crowned Mr. Dickinson in the third annual Mr. Dickinson pageant held by Delta Nu. The Ice Hockey team is undefeated thus far in the season.

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Dickinsonian, October 27, 1994

Dickinsonian, October 27, 1994

The College's pass/fail system is under review, as the system was adopted in the late 60's. The College also discussed the possibility of offering cable in dorm rooms rather than just in common areas. As stated in the previous issue, the Men and Women's Rugby team faces disbandment due to a lack of funding and the teams have been petitioning to Senate.

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Dickinsonian, October 20, 1994

Dickinsonian, October 20, 1994

Civil War historian and Dickinson alumni from 1977, Brian Pohanka, has returned to Dickinson to give a lecture on "When History Meets Hollywood" about the recent historical film "Gettysburg." Math and Computer Science Professor E. Robert Paul passed away after a year-long battle with cancer. Professor Paul had been employed on the campus since 1976 and was the Joseph Priestley Professor of the History of Science. The Men and Women's Rugby has been terminated by College administration because of insufficient funds to acquire a coach and trainer.


Dickinsonian, October 6, 1994

Dickinsonian, October 6, 1994

The Priestley Award was given to Harvard Professor of Physics and History of Science, Gerald Holton. Former director of Dining Services, Nick Stamos, is appointed Associate Treasurer for Support Operations, which oversees many of the auxiliary services in the college community. A new payroll system has been put into practice, which wires money electronically into students accounts. Unfortunately, with this new system, some students lost several checks in the process.

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Dickinsonian, September 29, 1994

Dickinsonian, September 29, 1994

Student leaves College after harassment and alleged attack due to his sexual orientation. Parents' Weekend brings victories and activities. Students patrol campus to make it safer. Common Hour discusses O.J. Simpson trial. ODK taps 17 new members. Clarke Center sponsors community, campus events. College offers Environmental Science major. Career Center helps seniors find jobs.


Dickinsonian, September 22, 1994

Dickinsonian, September 22, 1994

Old West opens its doors to celebrate Constitution Day. College welcomes new faculty. Disabled students will have less boundaries. PAS to discuss the United Nations. Freshman class impresses Admissions. Account of rushing for men and women. Local bands attempt to establish a name as HUB rocks last Friday night. Student reviews Bologna. Student reviews the new coffee bar in the HUB.


Dickinsonian, September 15, 1994

Dickinsonian, September 15, 1994

Grand plans for social space becoming a reality. College mourns the loss of alumni killed in a plane crash in California. The college undertakes the Capital Campaign, trying to raise $40 million for enhancing academic programs. The HUB becomes accessible to disabled students. College addresses questions at the first Town Meeting, organized by Student Senate and UPS. Community cracks down on jaywalkers. Three new staff join Dickinson, eager to help students.


Drinkinsonian, May 13, 1993

Drinkinsonian, May 13, 1993

The annual spoof issue, The Drinkinsonian, tackles various aspects of college life in a satirical manner.

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Dickinsonian, May 6, 1993

Dickinsonian, May 6, 1993

Four professors earn tenure while several others did not . Seniors get ready to break the rules during senior week. Former Attorney General Edwin Meese details polarization between the executive branch and congress. Dean Carmen Neuberger bids college farewell. United way/College needs assessment of Carlisle, Part 2. UVA bans student-teacher sexual relationships. DTG Spring concert draws E-motion from the critics.

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