Dickinsonian, March 30, 1995

Dickinsonian, March 30, 1995

Prof. Eugene Hickok tapped as nominee for PA Secretary of Education. Committee forms to institute freshman rush. German Department to celebrate tenth anniversary of partnership with University of Bremen. Union Philosophical Society to sponsor Town Meeting. Committee proposes new harassment procedures. "Our Town" to be staged in Mathers Theatre.


Dickinsonian, March 16, 1995

Dickinsonian, March 16, 1995

Haitian art exhibit on display in Trout Gallery. Gen. David Meade, Hon. Sylvia Rambo, and Robert Waidner receive honorary degrees. Poet Debra Allberry speaks in Memorial Hall. Pres. Fritschler receives distinguished alumnus award from alma mater Union College. Veganism and vegetarianism advocated by speaker Jerome Marcus. Graduate David Graham speaks at weekly geology seminar. Kate Brooks addresses ADD problem at College in new pamphlet. Clarke Center panel discusses Haitian conflict. Profs. William Tow and Dominique Laurent join College. Adam Desnoyers reflects on O.J. Simpson trial.


Dickinsonian, March 9, 1995

Dickinsonian, March 9, 1995

Senate recognizes Dickinson chapter of Students for a Free Tibet. ROTC sponsors blood drive in Social Hall. As part of Alcohol Awareness Month, speakers talk on alcohol issues. Producer David Haugland speaks at Common Hour panel on homosexuality. College to participate in Pew Higher Education Roundtable. Exhibit of Haitian photography and art displayed at Trout Gallery. Film Society merges with Campus Activities Board. In Rubendall Recital Hall, Janice Hamlet stresses role of black feminist thought as part of Women's History Week. Blue Lou Marini to perform in ATS.


Dickinsonian, March 2, 1995

Dickinsonian, March 2, 1995

New commission to examine the College's paper consumption. FAS Mailroom plans to move. Speakers debate obstacles to Russian reform at Clarke Center forum. Depot set to open Saturday. ODK taps nine new members. Sexual harassment policy under review. College students travel to the Bahamas to research marine science with Prof. Marcus Key.

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Dickinsonian, February 23, 1995

Dickinsonian, February 23, 1995

Russian ambassador Vorontsov gives Keynote address, predicts changes for the UN in the future. PAS symposium critiques the UN's effectiveness. M.A.S.H. star Mike Farrell discusses his personal journey and humanitarian efforts. George Lopez argues for 'maturing' international relations. Physical Education requirement comes under scrutiny. Some 90s pop star is set to come to Dickinson in April. Five professors granted tenure. Redskins in search of a new summer home after the agreement between them and the College breaks down. Best Buddies program starts at Dickinson.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 1995

Dickinsonian, February 16, 1995

PAS examines the effectiveness of the UN. Bomb hoax cancels afternoon classes at Denny. Director of the HUB and Student Affairs Janet Cox leaves Dickinson after seven years for national position. The government threatens financial aid cuts. Wheel and Chain presents breast cancer exhibit. Club ASIA and the Asian House celebrate the Chinese New Year. New show, put together by students, opens at Weiss.

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Dickinsonian, February 9, 1995

Dickinsonian, February 9, 1995

Dean Mench leaves College after 21 years. Robert Novak speaks at the Dickinson School of Law, critiques Clinton. Mermaid Players, College to put on a production of Sondheim's 'Into the Woods'. Job outlook for college grads brightens in 1995. Common Hour looks at the honor code, discusses its pros and cons.

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Dickinsonian, February 2, 1995

Dickinsonian, February 2, 1995

College prepares for Depot opening. Senior Denise Frisbie killed in an auto accident. Dickinson grad Dr. Lisa A. Rossbacher to assume duties as the new Dean of the College. Fifth annual Emerging Leader Retreat teaches organizational skills & keys to success to campus enterprises. SAT requirement dropped to attract students, says a student. Student discusses the benefits of brewing beer at home. DTG reveals details of their spring lineup.

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Dickinsonian, December 1, 1994

Dickinsonian, December 1, 1994

Speaker relates his personal experience with HIV for World AIDS Day. Office of Safety and Security sponsors bicycle registration in light of the growing problem of bicycle theft on campus. College continues its search for a new Dean. Sophomores now eligible for RA positions. Holiday tree giving, Candlelight service pledge for less fortunate. Student entrepreneurs tell their stories.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 1994

Dickinsonian, November 17, 1994

Faculty members voted to make the SATs an optional part of the admissions process. One of the Rape Awareness Week programs feature an informative discussion about, "Does No Mean No in Pennsylvania?" Student Senate sponsored a new Student Activities Phone Line, which allows student to call in and hear about events happening every weekend. The Dickinson Board of Trustees voted to give health benefits for same-sex partners of College employees. The swim team has employed a new coach, Paul Richards.



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