Dickinsonian, September 19, 1985

Attorney General Edwin Meese III's address to the faculty led to a "teach-in" where members of the faculty debated the issues and policies of the Justice Department. Protests followed Attorney General Edwin Meese III's speech by faculty and students. The All-College Committee is to hold elections for president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Michael Erdos, a junior, is having his band 'Kalue' perform on the WDCV radio station.


Dickinsonian, September 12, 1985

UTS, a phone service on campus, has been charging students unbeknownst to them for calls because the company was going through "reorganization problems." Professors Sharon O'Brien and Charles Barone were vociferous in their complaints against a proposed itinerary for a planned visit by Attorney General Edwin Meese III. The College plans on building a new wall along High Street to eliminate hazardous crossings. A symposium is planned to celebrate Tome's centennial.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 5, 1985

Elections by the All-College Committee were declared "invalid" by Student Senate President Dean Kremer due to the election being "unconstitutional." Panhellenic officers are considering Tri-Delta or Delta Delta Delta as a sixth sorority. Vehicle registration for the campus is now free of charge. John Hershey, director of Student Life, moved students around to different houses on campus to create a "magical" solution to the housing crisis. New football coach, Ed Sweeney, led the football team to a win in a scrimmage.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, May 3, 1984

The Student Senate passed the 1984-85 budget amid much questioning with amendments proposed by the Outing Club, Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC) and Paul Sharpe. The only amendment passed was that requested by the Outing Club. The Spring Concert featuring Stevie Ray Vaughan is canceled due to lack of ticket sales. Junior Diana Miller presents a project on eyewitness reliability at the Eastern Psychological Association convention. The CIA push for recruitment of college students meets student protests. Five women produce a Men Of Dickinson Calendar to sell.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1984

Phi Kappa Sigma will lose the lease for their house for at least the next 2 years. The Mock Presidential Convention nominates Reagan with 58.9% A variety of games, contests, foods, and entertainment will be offered this year at spring fest. Sen. Proxmire gives a fantastic speech as keynote speaker of the Mock Convention. The Arts House production of The Children's Hour receives mediocre reviews. The Outing Club sponsors a skydiving trip. The women's tennis team takes another victory. The varsity Golf team prepares for MAC Championships.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 19, 1984

Student Senate held an open forum concerning the recommendations made by the Student Affairs and Services Committee in regards to the 1984-84 alcohol policy. Predictions vary for the outcome of Dickinson's annual Mock Presidential Convention. Phi Beta Kappa visiting scholar Ellen Weaver gives lectures on the role of women in science. The Carlisle Zoning Board approves the construction of college townhouses on Louther street. Famous black poet Sonia Sanchez holds a reading and discussion of her works. Stevie Ray Vaughan and his band Double Trouble will preform at Spring Fest.


Dickinsonian, April 17, 1984

ODK and Wheel and Chain tap new members as well as honor seniors. Dickinson College Food Services institutes two new policies (a person must bring his original plate back for seconds and can only receive one entree at a time) in an effort to combat food waste and dish-room overload. Illinois Congressman Paul Simon has been selected to speak at this year's commencement under the theme of International Education. Latin American specialist Chris C.


Dickinsonian, April 5, 1984

Phi Kappa Sigma may lose their charter. Plans are made for renovations to the snar. Dr. Hubert Alyea receives the Priestley award. Brazil is the focus of the Latin American colloquium. The College plans construction of townhouses. Dickinson holds a preliminary round for the college bowl competition. Greek week commences. The men's track team opens the season. Three women's swim team members gain all-American status.


Dickinsonian, March 8, 1984

A Carlisle man allegedly shoots and injures an Dickinson student. Visiting member of area chapters of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity have multiple run-ins with the Campus police. In light of recant campus violence, the Dickinsonian interviews students about campus safety and publishes the results. Seniors of the 1984 class face a brighter job market. Student senate officers are elected: Kurt Krass as president, Brian Abraham as Vice-president, and John Ryan as treasurer. The Men's volleyball club advances to playoffs.


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1984

Student Senate Polls opened for elections and info on each candidate is provided. A merger proposed by Dean Allan between the Academic Standards and the Admissions and Financial Aid Committees is currently under debate by the Long Range Planning committee as such a merger would lower student representation. The Instructional Media Center is demolished and relocated to Bosler basement and ideas are proposed for a replacement. Sen. William Proxmire will deliver the keynote address for Dickinson's Mock Presidential Convention. Distinguished Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai will present on campus.
