Men's Soccer Team, 1989

The 1989 Men's Soccer team.

First Row (left to right): Bill Lenz, Chris Brena, Scott Walsh, Glebb Whitman, Jeff Parnell, Eric Hamburger, Nils Hahnfeld.

Second Row: Coach John Osborne, Jeff Bell, Dave Lashway, Ted Ricciardella, Randy Levine, Jim Craven, Brad Shepherd, Brad Clark, Joe Friedrich, John Bidwell, Assistant Coach Peter Dundas.

Third Row: Tom Bysshe, Jason Taormino, Jeff Moll, Pete Jones, Drew Snider, Wes Bell, Steve Wittlinger, Chris Spangenberg, Greg Sandell, Daniel Nunoo-Quarcoo.

Photograph Archives

Volleyball Team, 1989

The Volleyball team poses for a group photograph in the Kline Center in 1989.

Front row, left to right: Anne Gravel, Stephanie Pressler, Christine Schulte, Jennifer Brehm, and Stephanie Wolf

Back row, left to right: Coach Becky Shaw, [unknown], Meg Losty, Michelle Swart, Ashley McDonald, Heather Lingenfelter, and Assistant Coach Jennifer Patton

Photograph Archives

Women's Basketball Team, 1989

The 1989 women's basketball team.

First row: Liz Massey, Tanya Sneed, Lisa Walaas, Amanda Raymond, Tina Plummer

Second row: Coach Fran Troyan, Stephanie Koeppen, Leslie Billman, Donna Marzo, Laura Lovier, Choach Donna Leitner

Third row: Jill Gary, Anne Gravel, Lynn Anne Henderson

Photograph Archives

Golf Team, 1989

The Dickinson golf team poses for a picture in spring 1989. 

Left to Right: John Brown (coach), Eric Fennel '92, Paul Loehr '89, Glenn Whitman '91, John Klesch '91, Winfield Smathers '90, Todd Kramer '90, Steve Lev '92, Steve Bussell '90, Kevin Boggs '91, Bill Nickey (assistant coach)

Photograph Archives

Softball Team, 1989

The Softball team inside the Kline center in spring 1989.

First Row: Suzanne Fuller, Anne Gravel, Jill Gary, Jennifer Traynor, Jody Feld

Second Row: Constance DePasquale, Tina Plummer, Caryn Caputo, Janine Lazur

Third Row: Delores Cohick (Coach), Shelley Sweeney (Coach), Michelle Wiragh, Stacy Fresch, Donna Leitner (Coach)

Photograph Archives

Women's Tennis Team, 1989

The women's tennis team and their coach pose on the court in spring 1989.

Top Row: Valerie Herrington, Allison R. Monaghan, Lisa Carey, Jane DeBone, Sarah I. Bugbee

Bottom Row: Julie Ann Pohutsky, Kathy Lukacs, Les Poolman (coach), Elizabeth "Betsy" Naso, Carolyn Meno

Photograph Archives

Men's Cross Country Team, 1989

The men's cross country team poses for a photo with their coaches in fall 1989.

Top: Jeff Helsel (assistant), Dave Baker, Michael Dash, Chuck Arndt, Hap Miller (coach)

Bottom: Rich Beheler, Bill Weylman, Dave Reel, Andy Henderson

Photograph Archives

Football Team, 1990

The 1990 Red Devil football team takes a photograph.

First row: John Mackey, David Williamson, Matthew Guedes, Christopher Cerniglia, David Giordano, Thomas Wernersbach, Stephen Miholovich

Second row: John Paul Bernatavitz, Dennis Connor, Robert Loughery, John Eavenson, Scott Cohen, Scott Bornholdt, John Meluskey, Vincent Correal

Third row: Bryan Carson, Fred Kim, Shaughn White, Thomas Casciani, Kurt Spangenberg, Stephen Miller, Stuart James, Goeffrey O’Donnell

Fourth row: Matthew Glennon, Christopher Moore, Gregory Dolhon, Thomas Chillot, Alexander Plomaritis, Michael Lawlor, Brendan McDonald, Brian Ridgway, Frederick Ridgway

Fifth row: John Whippo, Michael Krasnow, Patrick Conrad, Christopher Curry, Michael Colledge, Brandon Powers, Jeffrey Gercak, Michael Stackow, John Atwood

Sixth row: Louis Cristinziani, Jonathon Winnay, Eric Oberg, Christopher Schramm, Michael Sterner, James McGeehan, Daniel Hickey, Craig Rippole, Jeffrey Mayer

Seventh row: Timothy Grieco, Robert Baglio, William Shepard, Christopher Ziener, Robert Gasperini, Anthony Gatti, Keith Emery, Daniel Kim, Marc Doughery, Frank Fosko, Stephen Ostorowski

Eighth row: Kevin Crecco, William Lopacinski, John Corddry, Jeremy Pearson, Kevin Lawlor, Andrew Murray, John Lahtinen

Ninth row: Scott Shank, Darwin Breaux, Ben Miller, Frank Maguire, Bill Rexford, Bob Schnarrs, David Webster, Edward Sweeney, Joel Quattrone

Photograph Archives

Women's Basketball Team, 1990

The 1990 women's basketball team.

Front row: Tanya Sneed, Amanda Raymond, Donna Marzo, Liz Massey, Lisa Walaas

Second row: Coach Mark Reilly, Anne Gravel, Liz Clark, Kelly Green, Karen Wilson, Coach Donna Leitner

Photograph Archives