Daniel Bowdle family papers

Letter, 1825 (Box 1, folder 7)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The collection contains materials relating to family life on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and in Ohio. The central figure is Daniel Bowdle (1796-1876), who as a young man moved to Cincinnati and became the successful business man of his family, with real estate and other interests. He aided his less fortunate kin in Talbot County, MD, including making provisions for the old age of James Lloyd, a beloved slave. The letters of William James Bowdle (1834-1876; Class of 1854) reflect student life at Dickinson College; letters of numerous other relatives are supplemented by genealogical notes on the Bowdle Family. Also included are papers on the settlement of the estate of Capt. Patrick Dickey, dated 1806-1841, which involve lands in Ohio and in Mason Co., VA.

MC 1998.3

George W. Bowman family papers

Stock receipt, 1857 (Box 1, folder 4)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

This collection contains materials documenting the personal and business lives of George W. Bowman (1809-1887) and his son Harry Leader Bowman (1848-1915). It also documents the death of George's wife and Harry's mother, Ann Leader Bowman (1813-1885).

The photographs series in this collection includes images of family members and Dickinson College students. Several folders contain carte de visites of Dickinson graduates from the Classes of 1867, 1868, 1869, 1871, 1872

MC 2008.3

Robert Bridges papers

Robert Bridges, c.1900
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The Robert Bridges Papers Collection provides insight into literary works of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and reflects Bridges’ long period of work as an editor and literary critic. The collection spans a date range of 1875-1937, with large portions pertaining to the early 1890s and 1900s. The collection is divided into 16 series: Administrative Records, Editorial, Literary Reviews, Prose, Poetry, Drama, Addresses and Speeches, Other Writings, President Woodrow Wilson, Princeton University, Aldine Club, Personal, Images, Biographical Materials, Publications, Photographs, Oversized Photographs, and Artifacts.

A fuller description of each series is provided in the Collection Inventory.

MC 2012.12

Brockey (Charles Walter Buck) Collection

Brockey (Charles Walter Buck) Collection
Collection Inventory
Date Range

This collection contains 11 images believed to be owned by Brockey (Blackfeet Piegan), also known as Charles Walter Buck, and his first wife, Spyna Deveraux, both of whom attended the Carlisle Indian School. The collection also contains a copy of the Glacier County Chief, in which his extensive obituary is printed. The collection was donated by Tom and Patricia Anderson. Patricia was the great niece of Florence McKenzie, Brockey's second wife.


James Buchanan papers

Letters, 1856 (Box 3, folder 23)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

James Buchanan was a graduate of Dickinson College, Class of 1809, who went on to become the fifteenth president of the United States. The majority of this collection is comprised of correspondence between Buchanan and his business and political associates; over four hundred letters penned by Buchanan are included in the collection. Drafts of speeches, printed pamphlets, and various memorabilia are also represented.

MC 1998.10

Carlisle Indian School Individual Artifacts and Oversized Items

Carlisle Indian School Individual Artifacts and Oversized Items
Date Range

These artifacts and oversized items about the Carlisle Indian School were acquired by the Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections individually and are not part of any larger collection.

See Collection Inventory

Carlisle Indian School Individual Items

Marcia Chamberlain papers

Letter, 1953 (Box 2, folder 20)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Marcia Chamberlain was a friend and correspondent of poet Marianne Moore. This collection contains letters exchanged between the two women and other acquaintances, as well as a small amount of writings, photographs, and ephemera.

Time Period
MC 2009.6

Joseph Clemens diaries

Diary, 1895 (Box 1, folder 5)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The collections consists of the diaries of Joseph Clemens and his wife, Mary Knapp Strong Clemens. Joseph Clemens was born in Cornwall, England. He left England and entered Dickinson College at the age of 28, graduating in the class of 1894. He entered the Methodist ministry and served as a United States Army Chaplain, 1901-1918. After studying at the University of Southern California from 1912 to 1922, he returned to the Far East as an evangelist and botanist, working in the Philippines and in New Guinea; it was there that he died during a botanical expedition. Joseph Clemens' diaries cover his early career as a student and chaplain: 1892-93, 1895-98, and 1902-21; Mary Clemens' diaries are from 1903 and 1905.

MC 2001.17

Moncure D. Conway family papers

Diary, 1851-1856 (Box 2, folder 8)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Moncure Daniel Conway was born into a southern aristocratic family, but ultimately became one of the nation's leading abolitionists and humanitarians. Conway was a graduate of Dickinson College in 1849 and was trained for the ministry at Harvard Divinity School. The collection consists mainly of correspondence relating to all phases of Conway's career; his student days at Dickinson and at Harvard, his anti-slavery witness, and his pastorate at South Place Chapel in London. His letters reflect his wide acquaintance with leading intellectual and political figures of his day; some of his correspondents include Ralph Waldo Emerson and Dr. Annie Besant.

The journal in this collection has been digitized and is available for reading online (see the link for related entries below).

MC 1999.6

Walter L. Crowding papers

Sermons, c.1920s-1960s (Box 5, folder 3)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

This collection consists of the essays and sermons of Walter L. Crowding, Dickinson Class of 1925 and Methodist minister. Most of the essays are written upon various topics in religion, but also included are treatises on art and literature. The majority of the collection is comprised of more than 800 sermons presented by Crowding from 1921 to 1975.

MC 2001.12

Albert Lowther Demaree papers

Scrapbook images, c.1920 (PC, folder 5)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Albert L. Demaree (1894-1964) graduated from Dickinson College in 1923. This collection contains materials from his service in the U.S. Navy during both World Wars, including certificates, medals, and photographs. The collection also includes materials pertaining to his academic credentials as a graduate of Dickinson College, Dartmouth College, and Columbia University.

MC 2010.4

Velva Diven Daihl papers

Scrapbook page, c.1928 (Box 1, folder 12)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The collection documents the education and early teaching career of Velva Diven Daihl, class of 1927, and her husband, Sam Daihl. The bulk of the materials pertain to Velva's experiences as a Dickinson student and alumna. Some other items of note include photographs, a scrapbook, and a Daihl family genealogy.

MC 2012.6

Dum Family papers

German notebook, undated (Box 1, folder 4)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The collection includes various materials gathered by Blanche, Ray, and Miriam Dum, graduates of Dickinson College in 1910, 1911, and 1913, respectively. Examples of the materials include college bills and report cards from the early part of the century, scholastic materials from Carlisle High School, and photographs.

MC 2007.5

George Dum business and estate papers

Time Book, 1910 (Box 1, folder 7)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

George Dum (c.1863-1918) served as secretary and treasurer for the Perry County-based Oak Grove Lumber Company. This collection contains materials pertaining to his interest in this venture, as well as his family's legal dealings with the associated Oak Grove and Kennedy's Valley timber tracts after his death. The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence, financial and legal documents, and maps.

MC 2008.1

M. Margaret Eslinger scrapbook

Scrapbook, pages 42-43 (Box 1)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

M. Margaret Eslinger graduated from Dickinson College in 1923.  This scrapbook contains a variety of items from her time at Dickinson College and as a graduate student at Ohio State University between 1919 and 1925. Materials include letters, grade slips, school bulletins, event programs, coursework, postcards, concert tickets, newspaper clippings, holiday cards, account books, photographs, name tags, and such objects as utensils, cigarettes, pressed flowers, pinned badges, and napkins.

Time Period
MC 2013.6

William Righter Fisher family papers

Poetry, undated (Box 1, folder 23)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The collection includes correspondence and manuscripts of William Righter Fisher, a Dickinson alumnus (class of 1870) and professor of modern languages (1874-1876). These papers reflect Fisher's graduate study in Germany, teaching at Dickinson, business and law, and the writings of Mrs. Fisher.

MC 2000.12

J. William Frey photograph album

Photo album, 1937-1938 (Box 1, folder 1)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The J. William Frey Photograph Album contains photographs chronicling his year in Giessen, Germany; he titled it "'Mein Jahr in Deutschland': A Year of Attending College in 1937-1938 Nazi Germany." Captions in both English and German were written on the pages. The subjects of the photographs range from people that Frey lived and traveled with to locations in Germany, France, and Italy. The collection also contains loose photographs that have been removed from the album.

Time Period
MC 2003.7

Walter E. Harnish diaries and ledgers

Account book, 1911-1915 (Box 1, folder 5)
Date Range

The bulk of the diaries is a day by day account of Harnish's life in Carlisle - what he did, whom he saw, etc. Four diaries contain accounts of his years at Dickinson College: accounts of the social life, (Theta Chi fraternity), and academic information - not greatly detailed. Also included are detailed accounts of his joining the army, his search for summer employment, and his financial endeavors - particularly the Chicken Account- and descriptions of profit/expenses of raising his chickens. The diaries end with descriptions of his life as a teacher in Chicago.

Time Period
MC 2003.3

John D. Hartigan papers and photographs

Program, 1943 (Box 1, folder 12)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The collection consists of papers pertaining to Hartigan's military career and to a proposed "Dickinson College School of International Activities." It includes correspondence with Dickinson College, foreign universities, and other institutions regarding similar plans. The collection includes numerous photographs of pre-World War II Germany and Austria, particularly with regard to the performing arts.

Time Period
MC 1999.5

John Hays II family papers

Photograph, 1862 (Photographs, folder 3)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

The Hays family papers include correspondence, deeds, and memorabilia of six generations of this prominent Carlisle, Pa. family whose scions include General Ephraim Blaine (1741-1804), Commissary-General in the American Revolution and charter trustee of Dickinson College, and James G. Blaine (1830-1898), presidential candidate and U. S. Senator from Maine. Ephraim Blaine's account books from his war service, his will, deeds, and other papers are included. John Hays (II), great grandson of Ephraim Blaine, was an 1857 graduate of Dickinson College; many others of his family represented here were also alumni. John Hays' own papers reflect his Civil War service, his veterans' activities, literary interests, genealogy, his interest in the history of Carlisle and Cumberland county, and his varied career as lawyer, bank president, founder of the Carlisle Gas and Water Company and of the Carlisle Frog, Switch and Manufacturing Company. Also included is an exchange of correspondence between Mary Abigail Dodge and John Hays concerning her projected biography of James G. Blaine. In addition, there are significant bodies of 19th century correspondence of lawyers James Hamilton and George Metzger.

MC 2001.1

Charles Francis Himes family papers

Photograph, undated (Photographs, folder 73)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

This collection primarily provides evidence of the personal and professional life of Charles Francis Himes, student, photographer, scientist, teacher, administrator, amateur historian and father. Also found in this collection is evidence of the lives of family members including, most notably, C. F. Himes' wife Mary and her father Joseph A. Murray. Information on Dickinson College is featured prominently throughout this collection through the close association of C. F. Himes with the institution during most of his life. Beyond family and institutional history, this collection offers information on a number of social, political, economic, and historic topics. Some of these broader topics include post-secondary education in the latter half of the nineteenth century, south central Pennsylvania society, the history of photography, and nineteenth century travel.

MC 2000.1

Horatio Collins King papers

Journal, 1854 (Box 2, folder 6)
Collection Inventory
Date Range

Horatio Collins King was the son of Postmaster General Horatio King and the nephew of Dickinson College President Charles Collins. A graduate of Dickinson College, class of 1858, King was admitted to the bar in 1861 and saw active service in the Civil War from 1862 until 1865. A songwriter, King composed the Dickinson Alma Mater, among other works. The collection contains King's correspondence, diaries, and copies of his songs. Topics in correspondence and diaries include student life, Civil War, and democratic politics.

The journals in this collection are available for reading online (see links for related entries below).

MC 1999.9

Zatae Longsdorff Straw papers

Photograph, 1887 (Photographs, folder 17)
Collection Inventory
Date Range
circa 1860-1952

Zatae Longsdorff Straw (1866-1955) was the first woman graduate of Dickinson College as a member of the class of 1887; she went on to a successful career as a doctor and politician. The collection of her papers includes correspondence, printed and manuscript materials, scrapbooks and scrapbook materials, photographs, and artifacts. The bulk of the documents in this collection focuses on Zatae's life in Manchester, New Hampshire, both private and professional. There are some items, however, about her life at Dickinson, namely her dress and medal for the Pierson Prize in Oratory, 1886, and her writing desk.

MC 2002.2