Dickinsonian, October 14, 1982

Dickinsonian, October 14, 1982

BACCHUS (Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students) works to clear up misconceptions about their relatively new organization on campus. Three College-owned houses violated a 1976 zoning ordinance, which stated that no more than three unrelated people may live together in a single housing unit in a residential district. A new and continuing series was started at the College titled, "The Metzger Series," which will be used to introduce women to career possibilities. From observation, it appears that students attending worship services is on the rise.


Dickinsonian, October 7, 1982

Dickinsonian, October 7, 1982

Fall Fest was once again a success in the community. Spanish and Italian Professor Grace Jarvis was one of 25 educators chosen in a national competition to spend six weeks studying Italian culture. New escort programs were created for students by students, such as The Dickinson Student Watch Organization, Phi Beta Escort Service and the EFFORT Escort Service. The Cross Country team lost its undefeated streak. Women's soccer won an important game against Lehigh, which evened out their record.

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Dickinsonian, September 23, 1982

Dickinsonian, September 23, 1982

The College's enrollment of ROTC scholarships have increased by 60% this year. Mary Arthur Powell will be heading the Health Center and is looking to offer more gynecological options. A new schedule has been released to allow students adequate time to get to temporary class locations since Bosler Hall is undergoing renovations.


Dickinsonian, September 16, 1982

Dickinsonian, September 16, 1982

A recent assault makes the College reevaluate its campus security. The College's radio station, WDCV has increased their wattage for broadcast-power, which led to a change in programming. The College added a new assistant director of alumni relations, Ann Hess Meyers, to bring in some new ideas. Hypnotist James Mapes stuns and surprises students with his performance at the College. A women's weightlifting class has now been offered and is led by a female sophomore student.


Dickinsonian, September 9, 1982

Dickinsonian, September 9, 1982

President Sam Banks makes plans to renovate Bosler and Denny. The College adopts a new sexual harassment policy, which was the year's work of the Commission on the Status of Women committee. Diane Jefferson is the new counselor/coordinator of Minority Affairs at the College. Students discuss the renovation costs of Bosler and Denny Halls after the College just newly built a gymnasium and recently renovated the gym-turned-arts-building. The paper features a view inside the newly renovated Arts Center as it is due to be open soon.


Dickinsonian, September 2, 1982

Dickinsonian, September 2, 1982

The college adds a fifth sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, after almost a year of discussion on whether or not to add another sorority. Once again the college faces over-enrollment, but Admissions director Larry Mench proclaims that due to room adjustments there will be no artificial crowding. The new Arts Center is set to open six months early and will open with a Dickinson Arts Award show. The Washington Redskins have held their twentieth training camp at Dickinson this past summer.


Dickinsonian, April 24, 1985

Dickinsonian, April 24, 1985

College's phone system profiled, notes system changes on the way. Greek Week draws crowds in support of Greek life and the United Way once again. Professor Fred Petty's station wagon covers mileage equal to that of distance between Earth and Moon. Celebration planned. WDCV seeks to keep pace with new age of radio, increasing its wattage and station music selection. Computers once again targets of vandalism. Dickinsonian editorial board criticizes computer vandalism, reviews new phone system plan. Arts House production of "Shadow Box" on its way to campus audiences.

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Dickinsonian, April 17, 1985

Dickinsonian, April 17, 1985

College leadership, honorary societies ODK and Wheel and Chain conduct yearly tapping ceremonies. Dispute over Toulouse Program casts shadow over graduation for some seniors. Efforts underway to make course credit exchange between University of Toulouse and Dickinson more fluid. Geology and Psychology departments to be relocated. Warning from Health Services that nearly six hundred students have questionable immunization status. Professors Nancy C. Mellerski and Sylvie G. Davidson receive tenure. Student talent show nights at Union Station prove successful.


Dickinsonian, April 10, 1985

Dickinsonian, April 10, 1985

Phi Kappa Sigma banned from Townhouses after damages incurred by them throughout semester. Amnesty International reorganizes on campus amid student interest, College faculty and financial support. 90% of reported violent behavior alcohol based, impels new policies encouraging activities alternative to drinking. Harrisburg Urban Semester discontinued indefinitely while Central Pennsylvania Consortium reviews program. Dickinson editorial board criticizes Phi Kappa Sigma decision, profiles Tulane University's basketball program.


Dickinsonian, April 3, 1985

Dickinsonian, April 3, 1985

Student Affairs and Services Committee develops noise policy to be adopted on a trial basis. Director of Admission Larry Mench points to 12% application rate increase among high school students interested in Dickinson. Community service performed by sororities and fraternities highlighted. Priestley Award goes to Harold P. Furth, director of the Plasma Physics Laboratory at Princeton for his work in the physics of nuclear fusion. Isidor Isaac Rabi named commencement speaker.

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