Dickinsonian, September 30, 1993

Dickinsonian, September 30, 1993

President Clinton attempts to fix the health care system with a bill that will provide health care to the uninsured. Paleontologist Mark Norell speaks during Common Hour on his recent digs in Mongolia. Writing Director at Brown University Tori Haring-Smith leads a discussion on writing across the curriculum. Russian President Boris Yeltsin dissolves Parliament. A History of the Carlisle theatre as well as continuing plans for its renovation are presented. The Women's cross-country team sees their winning streak come to an end.


Dickinsonian, September 23, 1993

Dickinsonian, September 23, 1993

The "elms yellow" disease threatens many trees on campus. College students are named among the most vulnerable to Hepatitis B. The Political coup in the former Soviet Union deposes Boris Yeltsin and instates Aleksandr Rutskoi as acting president and sparks campus debate. On September 18th, approximately twenty five Dickinson students, accompanied by religion professor Dan Cozort, traveled to the Hindu American Religious Institute to observe and participate in a celebration of the birthday of Lord Ganesha, a Hindu deity. The Red Devils football team take a victory over Muhlenberg.


Dickinsonian, September 16, 1993

Dickinsonian, September 16, 1993

Admissions attributes the smallest freshman class in years, 487, to the recession. On September 13th, the White House serves as a neutral ground for Israeli Prime Minister Yatzhiz Rabin and Chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Yasir Arafat, to sign a peace treaty entitled "The Declaration of Principles" to end hostility between the two groups. The IFC decides to make a standard procedure for Men's Rush. Dickinson Professors discuss the Bosnian conflict. Freshmen give a review of orientation. 1975 Dickinson alum Reverend David F.


Dickinsonian, September 9, 1993

Dickinsonian, September 9, 1993

An article announces college students as the newest high risk group for AIDS. The new Dean of Educational Services, Dean Emerick, looks forward to getting to know students and adapting to the campus. The YWCA and the Social Justice Coalition of Carlisle will sponsor the second annual Rainbow Festival celebrating cultural and racial differences in the community. Three Emergency phones are installed by the Safety and Security office. When a button is pushed they will offer a direct line to the Safety office. Economics professors speak out on President Clinton's new proposed Budget.


Dickinsonian, April 7, 1992

Dickinsonian, April 7, 1992

Special Senate election issue. Social life issues at the forefront during senate elections. Students and senators ask why no one enters Senate President race as Yvonne Houck to run unopposed for Senate President. Seniors question right to vote in elections, allowed to vote for the first time. Letters of intent for all college officers.

Other Topics: 

Dickinsonian, April 28, 1983

Dickinsonian, April 28, 1983

Miller Beer retracted its sponsorship of Greek Week after they were unable to come to an agreement with the IFC and Dickinson's administration regarding the limits that would be placed on Miller during the week. The Skull and Key Society expressed interest in being reinstated after having been suspended in 1981 for throwing beer kegs through windows of fraternity houses. The Evolutionary biologist Dr. Stephen Gould was given the Priestley Award. The Society of Hispanic Students was founded in response to the growing Hispanic community on campus.


Dickinsonian, April 21, 1983

Dickinsonian, April 21, 1983

Omicron Delta Kappa and Wheel and Chain presented their newest members on the steps of Old West before a large crowd on Wednesday evening. The Student Senate unanimously passed the 1983-84 Spring Activities Budget on Tuesday. Dickinson's first annual Siblings Weekend is slated to occur, starting on Friday, April 21st and going until Sunday, April 23rd. Senior raised $29,200 for the college during the 1983 Senior Gift Drive. Dickinson has initiated the "7000" plan, a student loan program for students in higher income brackets.


Dickinsonian, April 14, 1983

Dickinsonian, April 14, 1983

Borges' scholars from across the country gather to participate witness and participate in Jorge Luis Borges' three-day Symposium at Dickinson. Joan Hoff Wilson delivered a speech on Tuesday evening regarding Watergate and its aftermath. EFFORT, or "Equality for Females: Our Rights Today," hosted the Second Annual Women's Party in an attempt to establish unity among women on campus. Dr. Kenneth Short discussed British propaganda films as a way of eliciting an Anglo-American alliance during World War II.


Dickinsonian, April 7, 1983

Dickinsonian, April 7, 1983

Jorge Luis Borges opened his symposium on Wednesday night by giving a lecture on the poetry of Emily Dickinson and engaging the audience with a question and answer period. Yale's Insider's Guide to the Colleges drew negative responses from Dickinson's administration after the guide claimed that alcohol and "dope" were a large part of Dickinson's social scene. Professor Robert Dunn is offering a summer course in New York City regarding trends in writing and publishing.


Dickinsonian, March 17, 1983

Dickinsonian, March 17, 1983

The faculty suspended the Nisbet Scholars program for a semester, citing the influence of the Freshman Seminar program and lack of available faculty as reasons for the suspension. Acclaimed writer Jorge Luis Borges is slated to speak at Dickinson. The 12-hour Whole Earth House Dance Marathon raised over $1,000 for cancer research. Sally Rooney, a clinical psychologist and lecturer on the presence of anorexia in American society, spoke on Monday night at an event sponsored by Effort. Dean George Allan proposed strengthening the academic curriculum at Dickinson.



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