Dickinsonian, September 24, 1999

Dickinsonian, September 24, 1999

College librarian held by Chinese government. Fair voter turnout, lack of candidates mar Senate election. Stricter alcohol enforcement to include wrist bands. College alcohol policy lenient in comparison to area schools. Propaganda on tap for Chinese birthday bash. All natural food market unveiled in downtown Carlisle. Experts to address history, future of China. SAT requirement for admission back on table. Career Center launches new website. Japanese artist Teraoka explores sex and violence in a post-modern world. College students drink too much.


Dickinsonian, September 9, 1999

Dickinsonian, September 9, 1999

Housing shortage on campus due to so many freshman. Social space, honor code slated for senate agenda. Former Clinton spokesperson Lanny Davis to discuss Washington "scandal machine". Campus phone service lowers rates in effort to remain competitive. Future of Tome in doubt. College plans to expand American Mosiac program with $150k Hewlett grant. Physical Plant sponsors water conservation contest to combat summer drought. DPS to increase security after alleged sexual assaults.

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Dickinsonian, August 27, 1999

Dickinsonian, August 27, 1999

U.S. News: College ranks 39th among top schools. College welcomes largest class ever. College developing new communities on campus. Renovations continue on campus with the new science center, the Kline Center, and the SNAR. Changes in dorm life spark new RA training. Community Directors added to Res. Life Staff. Presidential welcome for the masses. Dean offers words of wisdom for new students. Former freshman recounts his experiences for posterity.


Drinkinsonian, May 3, 1991

Drinkinsonian, May 3, 1991

The paper publishes its annual satirical Drinkinsonian issue.

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Dickinsonian, April 25, 1991

Dickinsonian, April 25, 1991

College to focus on issue of diversity in re-accreditation process. Common Hour discusses AIDS and students. SASC (Student Affairs and Services Committee) examines freshmen little sister rush. Former President Howard Rubendall dies. Living Colour plays at Kline. Pres. Fritschler creates Commission on the Environment. Trout Gallery displays studio art students' work. Collegium Musicum performs Renaissance pieces. Kappa Alpha Theta and Theta Chi win Greek Week lip sync contest. Amoroso Strings gives concert. Seniors Heather Stewart, Tod Matha, and Karen Beaver give recitals.

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Dickinsonian, April 18, 1991

Dickinsonian, April 18, 1991

For Earth Week, DARE stresses environmental resourcefulness. Common Hour speaker Peter Montague discusses toxic waste problems. Rape is discussed at Health Center. Housing Board grants different living arrangements for Sigma Chi and Phi Kappa Psi. Dana Stuchell of Animal Rights Mobilization presents on factory farming as part of Earth Day festivities. Mermaid Players perform "Six Characters in Search of an Author." Robert Koller presents photography project. Buffy Arnold performs senior recital. Faculty flutists Beth Bullard and Mary Hannigan perform. Comedian Rich Hall performs in ATS.


Dickinsonian, April 11, 1991

Dickinsonian, April 11, 1991

Student Senate President Sonya Lin and administration reflect on term. Laura Croghan, Stephen Katz, and Joe Cardinale chosen as new Senate officers. Sen. John Heinz's unexpected death leaves void for Commencement speaker. Groups (Sigma Chi, Phi Kappa Psi, and the Multicultural House) appeal recent Housing Board verdict. Common Hour features panel discussion of post-war repercussions in Gulf. Underclassmen find frustration in new pre-registration system. College outlines 10-year Campus Plan to guide it into next century. Roger Manning and King Missile perform in ATS.


Dickinsonian, April 4, 1991

Dickinsonian, April 4, 1991

New Senate resolution restricts Concert Committee selection process. Rape Awareness Week features various events, including upcoming panel discussion. Class pre-registration method revised. Housing Board decides next school year's SDLC locations. English major redesigned for this year's freshmen. Roberta Hall speaks at Common Hour about gender inequality in classrooms. Former College administrator George Shuman, Jr. passes away.

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Dickinsonian, March 7, 1991

Dickinsonian, March 7, 1991

Continued attacks on students prompt increase in campus security measures. Lt. Col. Lorna Strzelecki addresses College about womens' role in Gulf War. Peggy Sanday speaks on date rape. Alumna Major Marie T. Rossi is first female pilot killed in Gulf War. Profs. Douglas Stuart and George Friedman examine the U.S.' role in Gulf. With War having ended, Peace Action group focuses on other Middle East issues. Phil Woods and College's Jazz Ensemble "bring down the house." Multicultural Fair features array of entertainment.


Dickinsonian, February 28, 1991

Dickinsonian, February 28, 1991

Gulf War-inspired Silent Vigil for Peace takes place at town square. Health Center notes increased illness among students. Controversy over Senior Class President Mark Broadhurst resolved. 1991 Multicultural Fair and Black/African American Arts Festival begin. Men's basketball team advances to NCAA playoffs. Common hour speakers focus on U.S. refugee policy. Stephen Katz elected as Student Senate Vice President. College club examines Greek life. Peggy Reeves Sanday to lecture on date rape. Dance Theatre Group interprets popular songs. Independent Choreographers Exchange to perform.



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