Dickinsonian, October 10, 1933

Dickinsonian, October 10, 1933

Gilbert Malcolm becomes president's assistant. American Association of University Women plans to create Mary Curran Morgan Memorial Fellowship for women graduate students. Members of sophomore class instigate fight with members of freshman class. Herschel E. Shortlidge, Jr. becomes managerial editor of Dickinsonian.

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Dickinsonian, October 5, 1933

Dickinsonian, October 5, 1933

Athletic Association passes resolution against President Morgan's limitations on number of athletes taken to away games. Men's Senate plans pep rallies. All Dickinson students who applied to medical schools were accepted. Two German exchange students come to Dickinson; interfraternity council chose which two from a pool of five. Sesqui-centennial celebrations planned.


Dickinsonian, September 28, 1933

Dickinsonian, September 28, 1933

List of freshman class and overview of states they represent. College's heating system is rebuilt. Microcosm no longer to focus on senior class and no longer to be sole responsibility of Juniors. Freshman orientation. New demerit system outlined. Carnegie Room opened in Denny to display art. Karl T. Waugh resigns presidency; James Henry Morgan is elected president for third time. Watson Pedlow, '29, and Fred Klemm, '33, study abroad in Germany (description of how this is financed). Montgomery P. Sellers recovers from nervous breakdown and eye injury.


Dickinsonian, May 31, 1924

Dickinsonian, May 31, 1924

The track team wins the Central Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Conference meet at Island Park in Harrisburg. The men's senate announces that the budget for student activities will be increased by $500 for the following year. An itinerary for commencement appears. The Dickinsonian is readmitted to the Intercollegiate Newspaper Association after an absence of two years. Four members of the senior class are graduated with highest honors, seven others are graduated with secondary honors. The non-fraternity women of the college found their own social association, known as the D.A.


Dickinsonian, May 17, 1924

Dickinsonian, May 17, 1924

Professor Earnest A. Vuilleumier invents a solids hydrometer, to be used in determining the specific gravity of solid substances. The Board of Trustees authorizes the drawing up of architectural plans for renovations to the college's dormitories and the building of a new gymnasium. New events to be featured during commencement are outlined, designed to include significantly more alumni involvement than in previous years. The French Club presents its two plays in Metzger Hall to overwhelmingly good reviews.


Dickinsonian, May 10, 1924

Dickinsonian, May 10, 1924

The All-College Social Committee announces plans for the Founders' Day celebration, to include two athletic events and a play produced by the Greek Club, among other things. Pi Beta Phi, as a part of the Pan Hellenic Council's lecture series, hosts a lecture on health featuring Dr. E H Matzke, a female doctor from Philadelphia. Five junior students will take part in an oratorical contest for the Pierson Prize. The YWCA elects a new cabinet. Twelve students will attend the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to be held in Springfield, MA.

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Dickinsonian, May 3, 1924

Dickinsonian, May 3, 1924

Dickinson's relay team wins the Middle Atlantic States Championship Relay held at Penn State, breaking the record time by two seconds. A group of men to discuss important issues, including the essential values of life among other things, is set to meet. The first Microcosm yearbook leaving out the section dedicated to the Law School, featuring only the college and its students. Plans for commencement are detailed.

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Dickinsonian, April 26, 1924

Dickinsonian, April 26, 1924

Professor Leon C. Prince loses the race for the Republican party's congressional nomination. The joint senate committee produces a tentative constitution for their new joint student senate. Dickinson hosts a field day for 600 Cumberland county public school students. Two female students will attend a national conference of the YWCA. The French Club announces that it will produce two plays in May on the life of the French people.The track team suffers its first defeat in three years, losing the Haverford 67 to 59.


Dickinsonian, April 19, 1924

Dickinsonian, April 19, 1924

The track team defeats Lehigh 71 to 55 in its opening match of the season. The Freshman baseball team defeats the Sophomores, thus revoking the "girl rule." Belles Lettres defeats UPS in the groups' intersociety informal debate and speech contest. Small improvements are made to college buildings, including painting and landscaping. Dickinson faculty compile a reading list of 50 influential and interesting books.The 1925 Microcosm yearbook is copyrighted. The Press Club reorganizes with intention to be active during the next academic year.


Dickinsonian, April 12, 1924

Dickinsonian, April 12, 1924

The Dickinsonian holds an exam to select new editorial staff members for the following academic year. Plans for the senior party and a picnic are laid out, as well as a tentative date for Class Day. Twenty-seven members of Dickinson's chapter of the Pi Beta Phi sorority are hosted at a reception in the White House by First Lady Grace Coolidge, herself a Pi Phi. The Women's Student Senate sentences eight freshman girls to clean classrooms in Denny as punishment for rules violations.



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