Dickinsonian, November 2, 1962

Dickinsonian, November 2, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the campus reacts to the Cuba Crisis. Six students join in White House Peace Picket. Bishop Fred P. Corson speaks promoting world-wide spiritual unity. Shay Representatives make changes to fraternity housing scheme. Mermaid Players to present "See How They Run". Joanne Harris named Little Colonel of the Military Ball. A plan for holding classes in railroad cars is proposed. Pi Delta Epsilon eliminates the Hornbook. Peter, Paul, and Mary to perform. Freshman rush approaches. Field Hockey, Football wins


Dickinsonian, October 26, 1962

Dickinsonian, October 26, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the ROTC Emperor's Ball to elect Queen. Mermaid Players to present "See How They Run". Bishop Fred P. Corson to talk at Parents Weekend. Students react to President Kennedy's message to the nation about Cuba blockage. Dr. Harold W. Weigel returns to Dickinson. Works of Gene Gulluni on display in Bosler Library. Counselors give new insight into the rush system. Major Cam. J. Hurst Jr. assigned to Dickinson ROTC unit. IFC and fraternity men discourage intensive rushing in south. Student Senate receives application for new philosophy group. Dr.

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Dickinsonian, October 19, 1962

Dickinsonian, October 19, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian George B. Murphy '27 recounts Dickinson in the Twenties. Freshmen plays to open. IFC misunderstanding over food service leads to boycott at South College. Woody Herman to perform at military ball. Pan-Hellenic-Faculty game ends with Faculty win. Saad El Fassi of Morocco profile. Dickinson tuition costs hold steady while other college increase costs. Prof. Wing-tsit Chan speaks as part of Asian Studies Program. Music Dept to perform H.M.S. Pinafore. Phi Kappa Sigma and Phi Epsilon Pi to move to Mathews House and Biddle House.

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Dickinsonian, October 12, 1962

Dickinsonian, October 12, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian 11 new foreign students to attend Dickinson. WDCV to start broadcasting in early November. Poll affirms need for revised chapel program. "Under Milk Wood" to be performed at Carlisle Senior High. Blind student Ronald Metenyi joins campus. Jackson House now a round the clock study atmosphere for Honors seniors. Dr. Harmon L. Smith discusses love and chastity in Religious Emphasis Program. Lynn Davis named Homecoming Queen, SAE receive President's Cup. Freshmen Plays to be performed. Cross Country, football, field hockey wins.


Dickinsonian, October 5, 1962

Dickinsonian, October 5, 1962

In this issue the Dickinsonian celebrates its 90th birthday. College receives reaffirmation of accreditation with the MSA. Alums return for Homecoming festivities. Fraternities plan for an earlier rush. Various articles from previous Dickinsonians including a poll of students wishing for a third term for Pres. Franklin Roosevelt, Dolly Longsdorf first coed of Dickinson, Dickinson congratulated for its Syphilis exams. Cosi Fan Tutte performed by Turnau Opera Players. Dr. Harmon L. Smith to visit as speaker in the Religious Emphasis Program.

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Dickinsonian, September 20, 1962

Dickinsonian, September 20, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the college begins its 190th year. The construction of the new girl's dormitory is two months ahead of schedule. Dr. Angiolillo joins the faculty as chairman of the language department. The opera "Cosi Fan Tutte" to be performed by the Turnau Opera Players. Trustees set dates for construction of new fraternity houses and a student union building. A modern library will be designed for September 1965. New Student Union Building and ten fraternities to be completed September 1964. Dickinson has largest enrollment in history of college with attendance of 1100.


Dickinsonian, June 2, 1962

Dickinsonian, June 2, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian Pres. Rubendall discloses results of Methodist Survey Report. Four Honorary Doctorates presented at Senior Ceremony. Dr. Nancy Lee Beaty to spend year in Greece teaching. College adds four new Faculty members. Synopsis of the year's social events. Prof. Stoyan Gavrilovic gets recognition for Historiographical paper. Geology Dept. set up natural history display. Class Election results announced. Committee on the Advancement of Town Spirit (CATS) host first project washing car windows. Women's Tennis finish with undefeated season.

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Dickinsonian, May 11, 1962

Dickinsonian, May 11, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian 308 incoming freshmen were selected by Board of Admissions. Jackson property to be converted into dormitory for men studying Honors. Mermaid Players present "My Three Angels". Pres. Rubendall discusses new Dining Facilities. Faculty approve IFC rush rules. The Music Department present "H.M.S. Pinafore". John McConnell to speak at Graduation Commencement. D-book to be replaced with "The Mermaid's Tale". Campus Organizations elect officers. Student Senate discusses revision of class elections. Black Hats choose ten junior men.


Dickinsonian, May 4, 1962

Dickinsonian, May 4, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian trustees approve the 10-year Program of Development Plan. The Shirelles will perform at the IFC dance. Democratic candidate for governor Richardson Dilworth visits Dickinson. The Dickinsonian is awarded First Class Honor Rating by the All-American Newspaper Critical Service. Dr. Lloyd Ultan to leave Dickinson for position at American University. Walter Rosenstein takes Honors in Library contest. Bonnie Brown and Fred Morsell win Gould Prizes. Carol Jones awarded Fulbright for study in France. Four men leave ROTC department.


Dickinsonian, April 27, 1962

Dickinsonian, April 27, 1962

Wheel and Chain recognize new pledge class. Richard III to be performed by Players of Washington. Cadet Colonel John H. Dingee wins three awards at college ROTC Review. Glenn Hitchens receives top ODK Awards. IFC Weekend to feature the Shirelles. Hilbert Sabin and Kenneth Laws added to faculty. Student Senate plans for improvement of Town-College relations. Students request longer library hours. Special interview by Sam Christensen on influence of student political activity. Tennis, Baseball victories. Fencing club opens with Prof. Kuhinka as instructor.



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