Dickinsonian, January 29, 1971

Dickinsonian, January 29, 1971

Student Senate announces nominations for president and other offices. The trustee meeting focuses on possible renovation of Morgan Hall, construction of a new residence hall, and the five-year budget projections. Ralph Nader will speak at the Public Affairs Symposium which explores public "Invasion of Privacy." Trustees are to consider a new housing proposal for fraternity housing. Students will hold a conference to commemorate Malcolm X. Margaret Mead is named as this year's recipient of the Priestley award. Procedures are made to petition to the College committee on Academic Standards.


Dickinsonian, December 11, 1970

Dickinsonian, December 11, 1970

The Faculty meeting focuses on changes in graduation requirements, approval of independent studies and credit by exam in January, and establishment of a new major in "Theater and Dramatic Literature." A resolution recommending that Malcolm and Witwer Halls become coed residence halls, effective next year, is endorsed by Senate. An all-day program called "Drug Use--The Truth and the Consequences" was presented to Carlisle residents. Freshman Plays receive good reviews. The College Mime Troupe will present its first show of the season.


Dickinsonian, December 4, 1970

Dickinsonian, December 4, 1970

The theme of the Public Affairs Symposium is "Invasion of Privacy in a Computerized Society" and speakers will include Ralph Nader, former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, and Rev. Andrew Young. Vandalism and Shoplifting are a growing concern in the HUB. Senate will elect two students to serve on the Selection Committee for a new Dean of the College. Richard Guerrein is named the Editor-In-Chief of the Dickinson for the fall 1971 Fall Semester. An all college questionnaire favors co-ed dorms. Additional New spring courses are listed.


Dickinsonian, November 20, 1970

Dickinsonian, November 20, 1970

Dean Hawkins will leave his post as college Dean. An open hearing held on graduation requirements examines four proposals made by the Academic Program Committee--1. "A student must complete and pass 34 courses with a cumulative average of 2.00" 2. "Students who have been admitted as degree candidates and are carrying three to five and one-half courses are full-time matriculated" 3. "The normal maximum of five and one-half courses may not be exceeded without permission of the Committee on Academic Standards" 4.


Dickinsonian, November 13, 1970

Dickinsonian, November 13, 1970

Student Senate defeats a resolution to limit spending on the annual Christmas Dinner. The student store The Common Exchange is set to open. East College will house the humanities departments starting the next semester. Students will be traveling to Africa to volunteer with Operation Crossroads Africa. Students respond positively to the Night Owl program. The U.S. Senate will vote on a bill to make cars pollution free by 1975. Several projects by the Interior Department's Federal Water Quality Administration are underway to develop programs to recycle water.


Dickinsonian, November 6, 1970

Dickinsonian, November 6, 1970

Faculty resolutions on 5-5-4-4 and reform of the grading system must be announced by the March 1971 faculty meeting. Professors state that the four track option will provide more flexibility to students. Alumni will donate to restore and renovate East College to be a humanities building. The Follies are resurrected after disbanding in 1968. Results of the Senate elections leave both Republicans and Democrats happy. Information on the Draft is published in a question and answer column. The college keeps pace with changing technology with The Learning Center.


Dickinsonian, October 30, 1970

Dickinsonian, October 30, 1970

The topic of the Public Affairs Symposium will be "The Invasion of Privacy in a Computerized Society." Members of the Parents Advisory Council Committee express definitive views on drugs, pass/fail, and college governance. The newly created Grievance Committee is operational. Night Owl, a student-run counseling hot-line, will become operational. Information on drugs is published in a frequently asked questions format and drug knowledge test.


Dickinsonian, October 23, 1970

Dickinsonian, October 23, 1970

Pass/ fail options, freshmen grades, and general grading systems are discussed at an open hearing held by the Academic Standards Committee who are currently evaluating the grading system. An IPR subcommittee proposes to implement a college legislative body consisting of faculty, students, and administrators. Renovation of the Durbin Oratory is completed to make the chapel more appropriate for all worship and a re-dedication ceremony will follow. The college will open ATS for experimental use in February.


Dickinsonian, October 16, 1970

Dickinsonian, October 16, 1970

Having surpassed its fund raising goal for trees, the Student Senate approved a motion to donate the excess funds to the Carlisle Shade Tree Commission. Organizers of the Harrisburg Urban Semester will be available to speak with interested students. Wheel and Chain and ODK will sponsor Songfest for Parents' Day. A Student Cooperative Store is being organized to sell new, used, and hand-made articles. Dr. A.L. Rowse, a renowned expert on Shakespeare, will speak at the College. The Mermaid Players will present the comedy "Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man" by Ostrovsky.


Dickinsonian, October 9, 1970

Dickinsonian, October 9, 1970

The facts and figures of the revised budget are presented to faculty. SAE allows women to be social members in a fraternity for the first time. Student Senate will contribute to the tree fund by matching one quarter of the student funds raised with senate funding. The Senate voted to allow $100 to the Pennsylvania Environmental Study Team (PEST). SDS formulates a plan of action for this coming school year. Plans for the dedication of ATS begin. There is a two page spread on the EYE program complete with pictures of excursions.

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