Dickinsonian, March 19, 1970

Dickinsonian, March 19, 1970

Senate approves a proposal for coed living units in Todd and Mathews houses with the first two floors for men and the rest for women. SDS questions business manager Bloodgood on campus working conditions and wages. The College receives a federal grant providing for community service and continuing education programs under Title I of the Higher Education Act for their program "The Carlisle Education-Action Program for Housing." The College fine arts department will hold an Indian Arts Festival. NSA and NAS consider financial merger.

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Dickinsonian, March 13, 1970

Dickinsonian, March 13, 1970

An All-College Assembly will be proposed at an open hearing called by the campus Governance Committee. It will require all faculty and students on college committees, as well as 18 faculty and 15 students elected at large, to meet. A change in the pass-fail grading system is proposed to give students until roll call to make a decision. The Environmental Teach-In Inc organizes Earth Day plans. Professor Bechtel and Dorsey Green propose a state wide "action conference" to encourage people to start fighting environmental issues. ACLU endorses that the voting age be moved to 18.


Dickinsonian, March 6, 1970

Dickinsonian, March 6, 1970

Several resolutions pertaining to the curriculum and a change in faculty evaluation procedures pertaining to tenure and salary increase are requested. John Denver will present a concert. The Academic Standards Committee studies proposals to modify the grading system. Faculty will present a student directed and produced production of A Thurber Carnival with proceeds benefiting Project Africa. The Mermaid Players current production of R.U.R. gets mediocre reviews with a great production but boring plot.


Dickinsonian, February 27, 1970

Dickinsonian, February 27, 1970

The College Governance Group Proposes the creation of college committees of faculty, students, and administrators in place of present faculty committees. The Student Senate considers four options in area major and distribution requirements. SMC gains the approval of CPS, the nations largest student antiwar conference and presents President Nixon with "we won't go" petitions. A study on student participation in the Math and Philosophy departments is completed.


Dickinsonian, February 20, 1970

Dickinsonian, February 20, 1970

Dickinson's Mermen win their 100th meet for coach Dave Eavenson. Satirist Paul Krassner, editor of The Realist, will speak on American censorship. Dave Plymyer assumes the position of Senate President. Price's readings receive positive reviews.

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Dickinsonian, February 13, 1970

Dickinsonian, February 13, 1970

Dr. George Wald is the recipient of the 19th Priestley Memorial award. The Public Affairs symposium draws to a close with a call for environmental activism. The winners of the Student Senate elections for president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary are announced. SMC plans to distribute antiwar newsletters on the upcoming national conference. English 101 course offerings will be announced before students select classes. Vincent Price gives a poetry lecture on campus.


Dickinsonian, February 6, 1970

Dickinsonian, February 6, 1970

Faculty approves the proposed changes to the academic calendar. Student Senate candidates begin their campaigns. Profiles of all candidates are given in this issue. A proposal to revise the ROTC program will be drafted by Ad-Hoc. The Mermaid Players' revival of Lysistrata is another success.


Dickinsonian, January 30, 1970

Dickinsonian, January 30, 1970

Student senate chooses its nominees for '70. The popularity of Dickinson's study abroad program grows. The new calendar will provide for a reading-exam period. A negative review of the Student Senate Film "Symphonine Pastorale" is given and compared to Dickinson's boring lull. Interest in studying Russian increases dramatically. A special insert provides introductory information on the Public Affairs Symposium "Science and Public Policy: Environmental Pollution" topics of smog, soot, sewage, and sex, which link overpopulation with pollution.


Dickinsonian, January 23, 1970

Dickinsonian, January 23, 1970

President Nixon's new "Draft Lottery" system is questioned and debated. President Rubendall makes a decision on fraternity housing. A fraternity must gather a total of 44 people to retain the privilege of assigning living spaces on the third floor of its residence hall. Not reaching that number means it will become an independent residence unit with its own lounge and social code. If a fraternity gathers fewer than 25 students, it looses the privilege of assigning living spaces in the hall and though they will be assured space, they may not necessarily have their choice of rooms.


Dickinsonian, January 13, 1970

Dickinsonian, January 13, 1970

Associate Dean Allshouse will resign. An open hearing will be held by the Academic Program Committee on the College calendar. The Red Devils beat the previously undefeated PMC in basketball.



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